Switches and Signals

Happy Thanksgiving! Last week’s post before the holiday introduced subway signals, and today continues on the topic (make sure you’ve read the prior post before proceeeding). Think about the red signal. Often indicating “stop,” it tells trains to, well,...

Clear Ahead

Every day, millions of people rely on subways and trains to travel, and the signal system akin to more advanced traffic lights is responsible for ensuring their safe operation. Ever wonder how they work? You’re about to find out. Most railroads operate by...

Mind the Leaves

Slippery Rail Season is one of the most dreaded times of year for any rail-based transit system; however, it’s one of the least understood phenomenons by the public and is often heralded as a lame excuse for poor service. Here’s what happens. During the autumn season,...

Spooky Baseball Celebrations

As I recover from spending more than eighteen hours in the field supporting rail operations for the Boston Red Sox’s World Series victory parade and train service to Salem for Halloween, I couldn’t help but think back to the 2008 Phillies World Series which also fell...