Turn Finder – MBTA Commuter Rail (Today)

Turns Generated 2024-12-30-033030 for service on 2024-12-30

Trip Headsign Departs at Turn Location Turn Time Turn Arrival Turn Departure Return On Return Time Journey Duration
801 Wickford Junction South Station 04:20 Canton Junction 13 04:45 04:58 800 05:28:00 1:08
Attleboro 22 05:07 05:29 802 06:24:00 2:04
Providence 30 05:30 06:00 804 07:17:00 2:57
TF Green Airport 16 06:00 06:16 806 07:41:00 3:21
Wickford Junction 44 06:18 07:02 810 08:40:00 4:20
501 Worcester (Express to Wellesley Farms after Boston Landing) South Station 04:45 Back Bay 31 04:51 05:22 800 05:28:00 0:43
Wellesley Farms 5 05:11 05:16 500 05:50:00 1:05
Framingham 10 05:30 05:40 502 06:36:00 1:51
Westborough 12 05:50 06:02 504 07:10:00 2:25
Worcester 17 06:13 06:30 506 07:56:00 3:11
301 Lowell North Station 05:20 Wilmington 15 05:46 06:01 302 06:31:00 1:11
Lowell 18 06:07 06:25 304 07:13:00 1:53
861 Stoughton South Station 05:25 Back Bay 11 05:30 05:41 600 05:47:00 0:22
Ruggles 11 05:33 05:44 860 05:54:00 0:29
Route 128 14 05:44 05:58 802 06:24:00 0:59
Stoughton 17 06:01 06:18 862 07:00:00 1:35
503 Worcester (Express to Wellesley Farms after Boston Landing) South Station 05:25 Back Bay 10 05:31 05:41 600 05:47:00 0:22
Wellesley Hills 5 05:53 05:58 502 06:36:00 1:11
Framingham 16 06:10 06:26 504 07:10:00 1:45
Natick Center 45 06:00 06:45 582 07:33:00 2:08
Grafton 7 06:35 06:42 506 07:56:00 2:31
Worcester 13 06:54 07:07 508 08:33:00 3:08
141 Newburyport North Station 05:37 Chelsea 19 05:48 06:07 100 06:24:00 0:47
Beverly 9 06:13 06:22 142 07:04:00 1:27
Newburyport 10 06:44 06:54 144 08:07:00 2:30
481 Littleton/Route 495 North Station 05:40 Kendal Green 15 06:09 06:24 402 07:03:00 1:23
Littleton/Route 495 9 06:37 06:46 404 07:35:00 1:55
West Concord 50 06:23 07:13 482 08:09:00 2:29
741 Foxboro via Fairmount South Station 05:47 Talbot Avenue 8 06:03 06:11 904 06:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 06:17 06:30 740 07:02:00 1:15
Islington 7 06:26 06:33 702 07:10:00 1:23
Windsor Gardens 25 06:33 06:58 704 07:45:00 1:58
Foxboro 23 06:52 07:15 742 08:15:00 2:28
201 Bradford via Reading North Station 05:55 Wyoming Hill 8 06:10 06:18 200 06:42:00 0:47
North Wilmington 7 06:34 06:41 202 07:27:00 1:32
Bradford 11 07:12 07:23 204 08:26:00 2:31
505 Worcester (Express to Wellesley Square & Framingham after Boston Landing) South Station 06:02 Back Bay 10 06:08 06:18 802 06:24:00 0:22
Lansdowne 10 06:13 06:23 502 06:36:00 0:34
Boston Landing 31 06:18 06:49 504 07:10:00 1:08
Wellesley Square 19 06:31 06:50 582 07:33:00 1:31
Ashland 12 06:49 07:01 506 07:56:00 1:54
Grafton 11 07:08 07:19 508 08:33:00 2:31
Worcester 8 07:27 07:35 552 08:45:00 2:43
583 Framingham South Station 06:15 Back Bay 9 06:21 06:30 502 06:36:00 0:21
Boston Landing 18 06:31 06:49 504 07:10:00 0:55
Wellesley Hills 6 06:48 06:54 582 07:33:00 1:18
West Natick 17 07:00 07:17 506 07:56:00 1:41
Framingham 17 07:08 07:25 584 08:23:00 2:08
907 Readville via Fairmount South Station 06:17 Talbot Avenue 8 06:33 06:41 740 07:02:00 0:45
Readville 13 06:47 07:00 908 07:30:00 1:13
403 Wachusett North Station 06:20 Porter 15 06:30 06:45 402 07:03:00 0:43
West Concord 10 07:03 07:13 482 08:09:00 1:49
Shirley 10 07:28 07:38 406 08:57:00 2:37
Wachusett 23 07:57 08:20 408 10:00:00 3:40
071 Greenbush South Station 06:25 JFK/UMass 10 06:31 06:41 004 06:53:00 0:28
Quincy Center 12 06:40 06:52 072 07:13:00 0:48
Cohasset 13 07:07 07:20 074 08:12:00 1:47
Greenbush 33 07:37 08:10 076 09:13:00 2:48
305 Lowell North Station 06:25 Winchester Center 11 06:41 06:52 304 07:13:00 0:48
Wilmington 20 06:51 07:11 306 07:42:00 1:17
Lowell 18 07:12 07:30 308 08:17:00 1:52
803 Wickford Junction South Station 06:30 Back Bay 9 06:35 06:44 602 06:50:00 0:20
Ruggles 12 06:38 06:50 862 07:00:00 0:30
Sharon 9 07:01 07:10 806 07:41:00 1:11
Canton Junction 30 06:55 07:25 864 07:57:00 1:27
Attleboro 15 07:17 07:32 808 08:27:00 1:57
Pawtucket/Central Falls 12 07:26 07:38 810 08:40:00 2:10
Providence 25 07:43 08:08 812 09:22:00 2:52
Wickford Junction 23 08:15 08:38 814 10:26:00 3:56
101 Rockport North Station 06:35 Lynn Interim 6 06:58 07:04 102 07:33:00 0:58
Beverly 12 07:12 07:24 144 08:07:00 1:32
Manchester 6 07:27 07:33 104 08:34:00 1:59
Rockport 20 07:53 08:13 106 09:33:00 2:58
281 Reading North Station 06:40 Wyoming Hill 8 06:55 07:03 202 07:27:00 0:47
Reading 18 07:15 07:33 282 08:11:00 1:31
909 Readville via Fairmount South Station 06:47 Talbot Avenue 8 07:03 07:11 908 07:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 07:17 07:30 910 08:00:00 1:13
603 Needham Heights South Station 06:50 Back Bay 7 06:55 07:02 702 07:10:00 0:20
Ruggles 9 06:58 07:07 804 07:17:00 0:27
West Roxbury 9 07:13 07:22 604 07:50:00 1:00
Needham Heights 30 07:35 08:05 606 08:50:00 2:00
549 Worcester (Express to Framingham after Lansdowne) South Station 06:50 Back Bay 6 06:56 07:02 702 07:10:00 0:20
Lansdowne 18 07:01 07:19 582 07:33:00 0:43
Ashland 8 07:30 07:38 508 08:33:00 1:43
Worcester 13 08:08 08:21 510 09:59:00 3:09
865 Stoughton South Station 07:00 Back Bay 6 07:05 07:11 804 07:17:00 0:17
Ruggles 23 07:08 07:31 806 07:41:00 0:41
Route 128 12 07:18 07:30 864 07:57:00 0:57
Canton Junction 32 07:24 07:56 808 08:27:00 1:27
Stoughton 35 07:37 08:12 866 08:52:00 1:52
307 Lowell North Station 07:00 Winchester Center 6 07:16 07:22 306 07:42:00 0:42
Wilmington 20 07:26 07:46 308 08:17:00 1:17
Lowell 18 07:47 08:05 310 08:52:00 1:52
143 Newburyport North Station 07:07 Lynn Interim 8 07:30 07:38 144 08:07:00 1:00
Beverly 7 07:44 07:51 104 08:34:00 1:27
Hamilton/Wenham 20 07:53 08:13 146 09:06:00 1:59
Newburyport 22 08:27 08:49 148 09:59:00 2:52
585 Framingham (Express to Wellesley Farms after Boston Landing) South Station 07:10 Back Bay 11 07:16 07:27 582 07:33:00 0:23
Boston Landing 9 07:26 07:35 506 07:56:00 0:46
Wellesley Hills 6 07:38 07:44 584 08:23:00 1:13
Framingham 6 07:58 08:04 552 08:45:00 1:35
West Natick 30 07:50 08:20 586 09:11:00 2:01
911 Readville via Fairmount South Station 07:17 Talbot Avenue 8 07:33 07:41 910 08:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 07:47 08:00 912 08:30:00 1:13
743 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 07:20 Back Bay 10 07:25 07:35 806 07:41:00 0:21
Ruggles 5 07:28 07:33 704 07:45:00 0:25
Readville 11 07:37 07:48 742 08:15:00 0:55
Norwood Depot 7 07:49 07:56 706 08:36:00 1:16
Windsor Gardens 37 07:58 08:35 708 09:22:00 2:02
Foxboro 28 08:17 08:45 744 09:41:00 2:21
005 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 07:25 JFK/UMass 10 07:31 07:41 006 07:53:00 0:28
Quincy Center 10 07:40 07:50 074 08:12:00 0:47
Braintree 17 07:45 08:02 044 08:31:00 1:06
Brockton 10 08:01 08:11 008 08:53:00 1:28
Middleborough/Lakeville 20 08:38 08:58 010 10:01:00 2:36
805 Providence South Station 07:30 Back Bay 9 07:35 07:44 604 07:50:00 0:20
Ruggles 9 07:38 07:47 864 07:57:00 0:27
Route 128 12 07:49 08:01 808 08:27:00 0:57
Sharon 9 08:01 08:10 810 08:40:00 1:10
Canton Junction 27 07:55 08:22 866 08:52:00 1:22
Attleboro 10 08:17 08:27 812 09:22:00 1:52
Providence 28 08:40 09:08 814 10:26:00 2:56
405 Wachusett North Station 07:30 Porter 12 07:40 07:52 482 08:09:00 0:39
Lincoln 7 08:04 08:11 406 08:57:00 1:27
Shirley 5 08:38 08:43 408 10:00:00 2:30
Wachusett 18 09:07 09:25 410 11:03:00 3:33
283 Reading North Station 07:30 Oak Grove 7 07:43 07:50 282 08:11:00 0:41
Reading 13 08:05 08:18 284 08:56:00 1:26
309 Lowell North Station 07:35 Winchester Center 6 07:51 07:57 308 08:17:00 0:42
Wilmington 20 08:01 08:21 310 08:52:00 1:17
Lowell 18 08:22 08:40 312 09:30:00 1:55
103 Rockport North Station 07:38 River Works 11 07:57 08:08 104 08:34:00 0:56
Beverly 8 08:15 08:23 146 09:06:00 1:28
Beverly Farms 14 08:24 08:38 106 09:33:00 1:55
Rockport 21 08:56 09:17 108 10:35:00 2:57
705 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 07:40 Back Bay 5 07:45 07:50 506 07:56:00 0:16
Ruggles 15 07:48 08:03 742 08:15:00 0:35
Readville 12 07:58 08:10 706 08:36:00 0:56
Walpole 9 08:22 08:31 708 09:22:00 1:42
Forge Park/495 22 08:58 09:20 710 10:29:00 2:49
913 Readville via Fairmount South Station 07:47 Talbot Avenue 8 08:03 08:11 912 08:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 08:17 08:30 914 09:00:00 1:13
605 Needham Heights South Station 07:50 Ruggles 5 07:58 08:03 742 08:15:00 0:25
West Roxbury 9 08:13 08:22 606 08:50:00 1:00
Needham Heights 30 08:35 09:05 608 09:46:00 1:56
509 Worcester South Station 07:55 Back Bay 6 08:01 08:07 742 08:15:00 0:20
Lansdowne 11 08:06 08:17 508 08:33:00 0:38
Wellesley Farms 9 08:27 08:36 586 09:11:00 1:16
Framingham 14 08:47 09:01 510 09:59:00 2:04
Worcester 32 09:33 10:05 514 11:53:00 3:58
867 Stoughton South Station 08:00 Back Bay 12 08:05 08:17 584 08:23:00 0:23
Ruggles 9 08:08 08:17 808 08:27:00 0:27
Route 128 9 08:18 08:27 866 08:52:00 0:52
Canton Junction 27 08:24 08:51 812 09:22:00 1:22
Stoughton 38 08:37 09:15 868 09:56:00 1:56
073 Greenbush South Station 08:00 JFK/UMass 10 08:06 08:16 044 08:31:00 0:31
Quincy Center 17 08:15 08:32 008 08:53:00 0:53
East Weymouth 7 08:29 08:36 076 09:13:00 1:13
Greenbush 18 09:07 09:25 078 10:27:00 2:27
203 Bradford via Reading North Station 08:15 Oak Grove 7 08:28 08:35 284 08:56:00 0:41
Reading 15 08:48 09:03 206 09:41:00 1:26
Bradford 23 09:32 09:55 208 11:10:00 2:55
915 Readville via Fairmount South Station 08:17 Talbot Avenue 8 08:33 08:41 914 09:00:00 0:43
Readville 7 08:47 08:54 708 09:22:00 1:05
Fairmount 22 08:41 09:03 916 09:30:00 1:13
807 Providence South Station 08:25 Back Bay 9 08:30 08:39 552 08:45:00 0:20
Ruggles 7 08:33 08:40 606 08:50:00 0:25
Route 128 12 08:44 08:56 812 09:22:00 0:57
Canton Junction 35 08:50 09:25 868 09:56:00 1:31
Attleboro 16 09:12 09:28 814 10:26:00 2:01
Providence 40 09:35 10:15 816 11:27:00 3:02
043 Kingston South Station 08:25 JFK/UMass 10 08:31 08:41 008 08:53:00 0:28
Quincy Center 12 08:40 08:52 076 09:13:00 0:48
South Weymouth 14 08:52 09:06 046 09:40:00 1:15
Kingston 15 09:37 09:52 048 10:59:00 2:34
407 Wachusett North Station 08:30 Lincoln 12 09:04 09:16 408 10:00:00 1:30
Shirley 10 09:38 09:48 410 11:03:00 2:33
Wachusett 78 10:07 11:25 414 13:03:00 4:33
145 Newburyport North Station 08:35 Lynn Interim 7 08:57 09:04 106 09:33:00 0:58
Beverly 7 09:11 09:18 148 09:59:00 1:24
Newburyport 12 09:43 09:55 150 11:04:00 2:29
745 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 08:43 Back Bay 17 08:48 09:05 586 09:11:00 0:28
Ruggles 19 08:51 09:10 708 09:22:00 0:39
Endicott 7 09:06 09:13 744 09:41:00 0:58
Windsor Gardens 24 09:20 09:44 710 10:29:00 1:46
Foxboro 57 09:39 10:36 746 11:31:00 2:48
007 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 08:45 JFK/UMass 10 08:51 09:01 076 09:13:00 0:28
Braintree 9 09:05 09:14 046 09:40:00 0:55
Holbrook/Randolph 14 09:13 09:27 010 10:01:00 1:16
Middleborough/Lakeville 23 09:50 10:13 012 11:18:00 2:33
917 Readville via Fairmount South Station 08:47 Talbot Avenue 8 09:03 09:11 916 09:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 09:17 09:30 918 10:00:00 1:13
607 Needham Heights South Station 08:50 Back Bay 10 08:55 09:05 586 09:11:00 0:21
Ruggles 12 08:58 09:10 708 09:22:00 0:32
West Roxbury 8 09:13 09:21 608 09:46:00 0:56
Needham Heights 30 09:35 10:05 610 10:45:00 1:55
285 Reading North Station 08:55 Wyoming Hill 8 09:10 09:18 206 09:41:00 0:46
Reading 18 09:30 09:48 286 10:25:00 1:30
869 Stoughton South Station 08:57 Ruggles 5 09:05 09:10 708 09:22:00 0:25
Route 128 15 09:15 09:30 868 09:56:00 0:59
Canton Junction 34 09:21 09:55 814 10:26:00 1:29
Stoughton 38 09:37 10:15 870 10:53:00 1:56
105 Rockport North Station 09:05 Lynn Interim 5 09:27 09:32 148 09:59:00 0:54
Beverly 12 09:41 09:53 108 10:35:00 1:30
Rockport 25 10:22 10:47 110 12:05:00 3:00
075 Greenbush South Station 09:12 JFK/UMass 10 09:18 09:28 046 09:40:00 0:28
Quincy Center 13 09:27 09:40 010 10:01:00 0:49
East Weymouth 9 09:42 09:51 078 10:27:00 1:15
Greenbush 14 10:21 10:35 080 11:42:00 2:30
919 Readville via Fairmount South Station 09:17 Talbot Avenue 8 09:33 09:41 918 10:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 09:47 10:00 920 10:30:00 1:13
313 Lowell North Station 09:20 Lowell 10 10:12 10:22 316 11:12:00 1:52
809 Wickford Junction South Station 09:25 Back Bay 10 09:30 09:40 608 09:46:00 0:21
Ruggles 13 09:33 09:46 868 09:56:00 0:31
Route 128 13 09:47 10:00 814 10:26:00 1:01
Canton Junction 32 09:53 10:25 870 10:53:00 1:28
Attleboro 19 10:15 10:34 816 11:27:00 2:02
Providence 36 10:36 11:12 818 12:29:00 3:04
Wickford Junction 44 11:13 11:57 820 13:39:00 4:14
485 Littleton/Route 495 North Station 09:30 Concord 6 10:09 10:15 410 11:03:00 1:33
Littleton/Route 495 35 10:26 11:01 486 12:03:00 2:33
045 Kingston South Station 09:33 JFK/UMass 10 09:39 09:49 010 10:01:00 0:28
Quincy Center 19 09:48 10:07 078 10:27:00 0:54
Whitman 7 10:09 10:16 048 10:59:00 1:26
Kingston 32 10:35 11:07 050 12:14:00 2:41
709 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 09:35 Back Bay 10 09:40 09:50 868 09:56:00 0:21
Ruggles 34 09:43 10:17 710 10:29:00 0:54
Readville 8 09:52 10:00 920 10:30:00 0:55
Windsor Gardens 40 10:09 10:49 746 11:31:00 1:56
Forge Park/495 35 10:40 11:15 714 12:21:00 2:46
191 Beverly North Station 09:35 Lynn Interim 10 09:57 10:07 108 10:35:00 1:00
Beverly 10 10:13 10:23 150 11:04:00 1:29
205 Bradford via Reading North Station 09:40 Wyoming Hill 8 09:55 10:03 286 10:25:00 0:45
North Wilmington 7 10:19 10:26 208 11:10:00 1:30
Bradford 28 10:57 11:25 210 12:40:00 3:00
921 Fairmount South Station 09:47 Talbot Avenue 8 10:03 10:11 920 10:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 10:13 10:33 922 11:00:00 1:13
609 Needham Heights South Station 09:50 Forest Hills 9 10:03 10:12 710 10:29:00 0:39
West Roxbury 8 10:13 10:21 610 10:45:00 0:55
Needham Heights 30 10:35 11:05 612 11:45:00 1:55
513 Worcester (Express to Wellesley Farms after Boston Landing) South Station 09:50 Back Bay 25 09:56 10:21 710 10:29:00 0:39
West Natick 15 10:35 10:50 514 11:53:00 2:03
Worcester 32 11:33 12:05 518 13:53:00 4:03
009 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 10:00 JFK/UMass 10 10:06 10:16 078 10:27:00 0:27
Braintree 12 10:20 10:32 048 10:59:00 0:59
Holbrook/Randolph 14 10:28 10:42 012 11:18:00 1:18
Middleborough/Lakeville 24 11:04 11:28 014 12:32:00 2:32
871 Stoughton South Station 10:02 Ruggles 7 10:10 10:17 710 10:29:00 0:27
Route 128 9 10:21 10:30 870 10:53:00 0:51
Canton Junction 31 10:27 10:58 816 11:27:00 1:25
Stoughton 42 10:38 11:20 872 11:58:00 1:56
147 Newburyport North Station 10:05 Lynn Interim 10 10:27 10:37 150 11:04:00 0:59
Beverly 12 10:41 10:53 192 11:33:00 1:28
Newburyport 12 11:13 11:25 152 12:34:00 2:29
923 Readville via Fairmount South Station 10:17 Talbot Avenue 8 10:33 10:41 922 11:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 10:47 11:00 924 11:30:00 1:13
811 Providence South Station 10:25 Back Bay 10 10:30 10:40 610 10:45:00 0:20
Ruggles 11 10:33 10:44 870 10:53:00 0:28
Canton Junction 8 10:50 10:58 816 11:27:00 1:02
Attleboro 19 11:12 11:31 818 12:29:00 2:04
Providence 52 11:35 12:27 820 13:39:00 3:14
287 Reading North Station 10:25 Wyoming Hill 8 10:40 10:48 208 11:10:00 0:45
Reading 18 11:00 11:18 288 11:55:00 1:30
077 Greenbush South Station 10:30 JFK/UMass 10 10:36 10:46 048 10:59:00 0:29
Quincy Center 10 10:45 10:55 012 11:18:00 0:48
East Weymouth 6 11:00 11:06 080 11:42:00 1:12
Greenbush 15 11:35 11:50 082 12:57:00 2:27
411 Wachusett North Station 10:30 Porter 7 10:40 10:47 410 11:03:00 0:33
Concord 6 11:09 11:15 486 12:03:00 1:33
Shirley 10 11:38 11:48 414 13:03:00 2:33
Wachusett 78 12:07 13:25 418 15:03:00 4:33
747 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 10:35 Back Bay 8 10:40 10:48 870 10:53:00 0:18
Ruggles 35 10:43 11:18 816 11:27:00 0:52
Readville 5 10:55 11:00 924 11:30:00 0:55
Endicott 5 10:59 11:04 746 11:31:00 0:56
Hyde Park 49 10:51 11:40 872 11:58:00 1:23
Windsor Gardens 27 11:12 11:39 714 12:21:00 1:46
Foxboro 60 11:31 12:31 748 13:26:00 2:51
107 Rockport North Station 10:35 Lynn Interim 10 10:57 11:07 192 11:33:00 0:58
Beverly 12 11:11 11:23 110 12:05:00 1:30
Rockport 25 11:52 12:17 112 13:35:00 3:00
047 Kingston South Station 10:48 JFK/UMass 10 10:54 11:04 012 11:18:00 0:30
Quincy Center 19 11:03 11:22 080 11:42:00 0:54
Whitman 7 11:24 11:31 050 12:14:00 1:26
Kingston 32 11:50 12:22 052 13:29:00 2:41
611 Needham Heights South Station 10:50 Ruggles 20 10:58 11:18 816 11:27:00 0:37
West Roxbury 8 11:13 11:21 612 11:45:00 0:55
Needham Heights 30 11:35 12:05 614 12:45:00 1:55
207 Bradford via Reading North Station 11:10 Wyoming Hill 8 11:25 11:33 288 11:55:00 0:45
North Wilmington 7 11:49 11:56 210 12:40:00 1:30
Bradford 28 12:27 12:55 212 14:10:00 3:00
011 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 11:15 JFK/UMass 10 11:21 11:31 080 11:42:00 0:27
Braintree 12 11:35 11:47 050 12:14:00 0:59
Holbrook/Randolph 14 11:43 11:57 014 12:32:00 1:17
Middleborough/Lakeville 24 12:19 12:43 016 13:47:00 2:32
927 Readville via Fairmount South Station 11:17 Readville 11 11:47 11:58 714 12:21:00 1:04
Fairmount 22 11:41 12:03 928 12:30:00 1:13
813 Providence South Station 11:18 Ruggles 11 11:26 11:37 612 11:45:00 0:27
Canton Junction 14 11:43 11:57 818 12:29:00 1:11
Pawtucket/Central Falls 14 12:19 12:33 820 13:39:00 2:21
Providence 42 12:33 13:15 822 14:29:00 3:11
317 Lowell North Station 11:20 Lowell 10 12:12 12:22 320 13:12:00 1:52
713 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 11:25 Back Bay 10 11:30 11:40 612 11:45:00 0:20
Ruggles 16 11:33 11:49 872 11:58:00 0:33
Endicott 5 11:49 11:54 714 12:21:00 0:56
Hyde Park 26 11:41 12:07 818 12:29:00 1:04
Windsor Gardens 42 12:02 12:44 748 13:26:00 2:01
Forge Park/495 40 12:33 13:13 718 14:19:00 2:54
489 Littleton/Route 495 North Station 11:30 Porter 7 11:40 11:47 486 12:03:00 0:33
Concord 6 12:09 12:15 414 13:03:00 1:33
Littleton/Route 495 35 12:26 13:01 490 14:03:00 2:33
149 Newburyport North Station 11:35 Lynn Interim 10 11:57 12:07 152 12:34:00 0:59
Beverly 42 12:11 12:53 112 13:35:00 2:00
Newburyport 12 12:43 12:55 154 14:04:00 2:29
079 Greenbush South Station 11:45 JFK/UMass 10 11:51 12:01 050 12:14:00 0:29
Quincy Center 10 12:00 12:10 014 12:32:00 0:47
East Weymouth 6 12:15 12:21 082 12:57:00 1:12
Greenbush 15 12:50 13:05 084 14:12:00 2:27
517 Worcester South Station 11:45 Back Bay 22 11:51 12:13 714 12:21:00 0:36
West Natick 15 12:35 12:50 518 13:53:00 2:08
Worcester 32 13:33 14:05 522 15:48:00 4:03
929 Fairmount South Station 11:47 Talbot Avenue 8 12:03 12:11 928 12:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 12:13 12:33 930 13:00:00 1:13
613 Needham Heights South Station 11:50 Ruggles 11 11:58 12:09 714 12:21:00 0:31
West Roxbury 8 12:13 12:21 614 12:45:00 0:55
Needham Heights 30 12:35 13:05 616 13:45:00 1:55
289 Reading North Station 11:55 Wyoming Hill 8 12:10 12:18 210 12:40:00 0:45
Reading 18 12:30 12:48 290 13:25:00 1:30
873 Stoughton South Station 12:00 Back Bay 8 12:05 12:13 714 12:21:00 0:21
Ruggles 12 12:08 12:20 818 12:29:00 0:29
Readville 42 12:18 13:00 932 13:30:00 1:30
Canton Junction 42 12:28 13:10 820 13:39:00 1:39
Stoughton 43 12:39 13:22 874 14:00:00 2:00
049 Kingston South Station 12:03 JFK/UMass 10 12:09 12:19 014 12:32:00 0:29
Quincy Center 19 12:18 12:37 082 12:57:00 0:54
Whitman 7 12:39 12:46 052 13:29:00 1:26
Kingston 32 13:05 13:37 054 14:44:00 2:41
109 Rockport North Station 12:05 Beverly 12 12:41 12:53 112 13:35:00 1:30
Rockport 25 13:22 13:47 114 15:06:00 3:01
931 Readville via Fairmount South Station 12:17 Talbot Avenue 8 12:33 12:41 930 13:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 12:47 13:00 932 13:30:00 1:13
815 Wickford Junction South Station 12:20 Ruggles 9 12:28 12:37 614 12:45:00 0:25
Sharon 14 12:51 13:05 820 13:39:00 1:19
Pawtucket/Central Falls 5 13:16 13:21 822 14:29:00 2:09
Providence 42 13:28 14:10 824 15:21:00 3:01
Wickford Junction 20 14:05 14:25 826 16:09:00 3:49
749 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 12:28 Back Bay 7 12:33 12:40 614 12:45:00 0:17
Dedham Corporate Center 5 12:51 12:56 748 13:26:00 0:58
Readville 15 12:45 13:00 932 13:30:00 1:02
Windsor Gardens 35 13:02 13:37 718 14:19:00 1:51
Foxboro 48 13:21 14:09 750 15:06:00 2:38
013 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 12:30 JFK/UMass 10 12:36 12:46 082 12:57:00 0:27
Braintree 12 12:50 13:02 052 13:29:00 0:59
Holbrook/Randolph 14 12:58 13:12 016 13:47:00 1:17
Middleborough/Lakeville 22 13:36 13:58 018 15:02:00 2:32
415 Wachusett North Station 12:30 Porter 7 12:40 12:47 414 13:03:00 0:33
Concord 6 13:09 13:15 490 14:03:00 1:33
Shirley 10 13:38 13:48 418 15:03:00 2:33
Wachusett 78 14:07 15:25 422 17:03:00 4:33
209 Bradford via Reading North Station 12:40 Wyoming Hill 8 12:55 13:03 290 13:25:00 0:45
North Wilmington 7 13:19 13:26 212 14:10:00 1:30
Bradford 28 13:57 14:25 214 15:40:00 3:00
933 Fairmount South Station 12:47 Talbot Avenue 8 13:03 13:11 932 13:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 13:13 13:33 934 14:00:00 1:13
615 Needham Heights South Station 12:50 Ruggles 16 12:58 13:14 748 13:26:00 0:36
West Roxbury 8 13:13 13:21 616 13:45:00 0:55
Needham Heights 30 13:35 14:05 618 14:50:00 2:00
081 Greenbush South Station 13:00 JFK/UMass 10 13:06 13:16 052 13:29:00 0:29
Quincy Center 10 13:15 13:25 016 13:47:00 0:47
East Weymouth 6 13:30 13:36 084 14:12:00 1:12
Greenbush 15 14:05 14:20 086 15:27:00 2:27
875 Stoughton South Station 13:05 Back Bay 8 13:10 13:18 748 13:26:00 0:21
Ruggles 17 13:13 13:30 820 13:39:00 0:34
Route 128 11 13:26 13:37 874 14:00:00 0:55
Canton Junction 26 13:32 13:58 822 14:29:00 1:24
Stoughton 32 13:43 14:15 876 14:53:00 1:48
151 Newburyport North Station 13:05 Lynn Interim 10 13:27 13:37 154 14:04:00 0:59
Beverly 42 13:41 14:23 114 15:06:00 2:01
Newburyport 12 14:13 14:25 156 15:35:00 2:30
935 Readville via Fairmount South Station 13:17 Talbot Avenue 8 13:33 13:41 934 14:00:00 0:43
Readville 9 13:47 13:56 718 14:19:00 1:02
Fairmount 22 13:41 14:03 936 14:30:00 1:13
051 Kingston South Station 13:18 JFK/UMass 10 13:24 13:34 016 13:47:00 0:29
Quincy Center 19 13:33 13:52 084 14:12:00 0:54
Whitman 7 13:54 14:01 054 14:44:00 1:26
Kingston 32 14:20 14:52 056 16:02:00 2:44
817 Providence South Station 13:20 Back Bay 9 13:25 13:34 820 13:39:00 0:19
Ruggles 9 13:28 13:37 616 13:45:00 0:25
Canton Junction 13 13:45 13:58 822 14:29:00 1:09
Attleboro 23 14:07 14:30 824 15:21:00 2:01
Providence 28 14:28 14:56 826 16:09:00 2:49
321 Lowell North Station 13:20 Lowell 10 14:12 14:22 324 15:12:00 1:52
291 Reading North Station 13:25 Wyoming Hill 8 13:40 13:48 212 14:10:00 0:45
Reading 18 14:00 14:18 292 14:55:00 1:30
717 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 13:28 Back Bay 7 13:33 13:40 616 13:45:00 0:17
Ruggles 15 13:36 13:51 874 14:00:00 0:32
Readville 11 13:45 13:56 718 14:19:00 0:51
Windsor Gardens 20 14:02 14:22 750 15:06:00 1:38
Forge Park/495 52 14:33 15:25 722 16:31:00 3:03
493 Littleton/Route 495 North Station 13:30 Porter 7 13:40 13:47 490 14:03:00 0:33
Concord 6 14:09 14:15 418 15:03:00 1:33
Littleton/Route 495 35 14:26 15:01 494 16:03:00 2:33
111 Rockport North Station 13:35 Beverly 11 14:12 14:23 114 15:06:00 1:31
Rockport 24 14:53 15:17 116 16:36:00 3:01
015 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 13:45 JFK/UMass 10 13:51 14:01 084 14:12:00 0:27
Braintree 12 14:05 14:17 054 14:44:00 0:59
Holbrook/Randolph 14 14:13 14:27 018 15:02:00 1:17
Middleborough/Lakeville 22 14:51 15:13 020 16:20:00 2:35
521 Worcester South Station 13:45 Back Bay 20 13:51 14:11 718 14:19:00 0:34
West Natick 15 14:35 14:50 522 15:48:00 2:03
Worcester 14 15:33 15:47 526 17:07:00 3:22
Auburndale 212 14:13 17:45 594 18:13:00 4:28
937 Fairmount South Station 13:47 Talbot Avenue 8 14:03 14:11 936 14:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 14:13 14:33 938 15:00:00 1:13
617 Needham Heights South Station 13:55 Back Bay 11 14:00 14:11 718 14:19:00 0:24
Ruggles 17 14:03 14:20 822 14:29:00 0:34
West Roxbury 8 14:18 14:26 618 14:50:00 0:55
Needham Heights 30 14:35 15:05 620 15:50:00 1:55
877 Stoughton South Station 14:05 Ruggles 7 14:13 14:20 822 14:29:00 0:24
Hyde Park 14 14:21 14:35 876 14:53:00 0:48
Route 128 31 14:26 14:57 824 15:21:00 1:16
Stoughton 22 14:43 15:05 878 15:43:00 1:38
197 Beverly North Station 14:05 Lynn Interim 10 14:27 14:37 114 15:06:00 1:01
Beverly 10 14:43 14:53 156 15:35:00 1:30
211 Bradford via Reading North Station 14:10 Wyoming Hill 8 14:25 14:33 292 14:55:00 0:45
North Wilmington 7 14:49 14:56 214 15:40:00 1:30
Bradford 33 15:27 16:00 216 17:15:00 3:05
083 Greenbush South Station 14:15 JFK/UMass 10 14:21 14:31 054 14:44:00 0:29
Quincy Center 10 14:30 14:40 018 15:02:00 0:47
East Weymouth 6 14:45 14:51 086 15:27:00 1:12
Greenbush 22 15:20 15:42 088 16:59:00 2:44
939 Readville via Fairmount South Station 14:17 Talbot Avenue 8 14:33 14:41 938 15:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 14:47 15:00 940 15:30:00 1:13
819 Wickford Junction South Station 14:20 Ruggles 14 14:28 14:42 618 14:50:00 0:30
Route 128 18 14:39 14:57 824 15:21:00 1:01
Canton Junction 30 14:45 15:15 878 15:43:00 1:23
Attleboro 8 15:07 15:15 826 16:09:00 1:49
Providence 27 15:29 15:56 828 17:14:00 2:54
Wickford Junction 31 16:04 16:35 830 18:18:00 3:58
751 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 14:28 Ruggles 5 14:37 14:42 618 14:50:00 0:22
Readville 9 14:51 15:00 940 15:30:00 1:02
Hyde Park 38 14:47 15:25 878 15:43:00 1:15
Forest Hills 54 14:42 15:36 620 15:50:00 1:22
Windsor Gardens 41 15:08 15:49 722 16:31:00 2:03
Foxboro 36 15:30 16:06 752 17:09:00 2:41
419 Wachusett North Station 14:30 Porter 7 14:40 14:47 418 15:03:00 0:33
Concord 6 15:09 15:15 494 16:03:00 1:33
Shirley 10 15:38 15:48 422 17:03:00 2:33
Wachusett 28 16:07 16:35 424 18:13:00 3:43
053 Kingston South Station 14:33 JFK/UMass 10 14:39 14:49 018 15:02:00 0:29
Quincy Center 19 14:48 15:07 086 15:27:00 0:54
Whitman 7 15:09 15:16 056 16:02:00 1:29
Kingston 31 15:36 16:07 058 17:23:00 2:50
153 Newburyport North Station 14:35 Lynn Interim 9 14:58 15:07 156 15:35:00 1:00
Beverly 11 15:12 15:23 198 16:04:00 1:29
Newburyport 10 15:43 15:53 158 17:03:00 2:28
523 Worcester South Station 14:40 Back Bay 12 14:46 14:58 750 15:06:00 0:26
Boston Landing 25 14:56 15:21 522 15:48:00 1:08
Westborough 14 15:50 16:04 526 17:07:00 2:27
West Natick 80 15:25 16:45 592 17:29:00 2:49
Worcester 14 16:16 16:30 528 17:50:00 3:10
Auburndale 158 15:07 17:45 594 18:13:00 3:33
941 Fairmount South Station 14:47 Talbot Avenue 8 15:03 15:11 940 15:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 15:13 15:33 942 16:00:00 1:13
619 Needham Heights South Station 14:55 Ruggles 9 15:03 15:12 824 15:21:00 0:26
West Roxbury 8 15:18 15:26 620 15:50:00 0:55
Needham Heights 30 15:35 16:05 622 16:50:00 1:55
879 Stoughton South Station 14:55 Ruggles 9 15:03 15:12 824 15:21:00 0:26
Route 128 6 15:14 15:20 878 15:43:00 0:48
Canton Junction 19 15:20 15:39 826 16:09:00 1:14
Stoughton 31 15:34 16:05 880 16:44:00 1:49
293 Reading North Station 14:55 Wyoming Hill 8 15:10 15:18 214 15:40:00 0:45
Reading 18 15:30 15:48 294 16:25:00 1:30
017 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 15:00 JFK/UMass 10 15:06 15:16 086 15:27:00 0:27
Braintree 12 15:20 15:32 056 16:02:00 1:02
Holbrook/Randolph 14 15:28 15:42 020 16:20:00 1:20
Middleborough/Lakeville 23 16:10 16:33 022 17:44:00 2:44
325 Lowell North Station 15:00 Lowell 15 15:52 16:07 328 16:52:00 1:52
113 Rockport North Station 15:05 Lynn Interim 9 15:28 15:37 198 16:04:00 0:59
Beverly 11 15:42 15:53 116 16:36:00 1:31
Rockport 15 16:23 16:38 118 17:58:00 2:53
085 Greenbush South Station 15:15 Quincy Center 9 15:30 15:39 056 16:02:00 0:47
Nantasket Junction 10 15:54 16:04 088 16:59:00 1:44
Greenbush 81 16:21 17:42 090 18:50:00 3:35
943 Readville via Fairmount South Station 15:17 Talbot Avenue 8 15:33 15:41 942 16:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 15:47 16:00 944 16:30:00 1:13
721 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 15:20 Ruggles 6 15:28 15:34 878 15:43:00 0:23
Readville 18 15:42 16:00 944 16:30:00 1:10
Islington 7 15:51 15:58 722 16:31:00 1:11
Hyde Park 47 15:38 16:25 880 16:44:00 1:24
Forest Hills 63 15:33 16:36 622 16:50:00 1:30
Windsor Gardens 17 16:02 16:19 752 17:09:00 1:49
Forge Park/495 19 16:32 16:51 726 18:08:00 2:48
821 Providence South Station 15:20 Ruggles 6 15:28 15:34 878 15:43:00 0:23
Route 128 5 15:39 15:44 826 16:09:00 0:49
Canton Junction 30 15:45 16:15 880 16:44:00 1:24
Attleboro 11 16:07 16:18 828 17:14:00 1:54
Providence 35 16:30 17:05 830 18:18:00 2:58
591 Framingham South Station 15:25 Back Bay 7 15:31 15:38 878 15:43:00 0:18
Framingham 7 16:20 16:27 526 17:07:00 1:42
West Natick 33 16:12 16:45 592 17:29:00 2:04
Auburndale 112 15:53 17:45 594 18:13:00 2:48
055 Kingston South Station 15:33 JFK/UMass 9 15:39 15:48 056 16:02:00 0:29
Quincy Center 9 15:48 15:57 020 16:20:00 0:47
Hanson 11 16:15 16:26 058 17:23:00 1:50
Kingston 106 16:36 18:22 060 19:34:00 4:01
155 Newburyport North Station 15:35 Lynn Interim 9 15:58 16:07 116 16:36:00 1:01
Beverly 7 16:14 16:21 158 17:03:00 1:28
Newburyport 16 16:46 17:02 160 18:22:00 2:47
421 Wachusett North Station 15:40 Lincoln 7 16:14 16:21 422 17:03:00 1:23
Shirley 10 16:48 16:58 424 18:13:00 2:33
Wachusett 57 17:18 18:15 426 19:55:00 4:15
213 Bradford via Reading North Station 15:45 Oak Grove 7 15:58 16:05 294 16:25:00 0:40
North Wilmington 7 16:24 16:31 216 17:15:00 1:30
Bradford 28 17:04 17:32 218 18:42:00 2:57
945 Readville via Fairmount South Station 15:47 Talbot Avenue 8 16:03 16:11 944 16:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 16:17 16:30 946 17:00:00 1:13
823 Wickford Junction (Express to Sharon after Ruggles) South Station 15:52 Back Bay 6 15:57 16:03 826 16:09:00 0:17
Ruggles 18 16:01 16:19 722 16:31:00 0:39
Sharon 20 16:17 16:37 828 17:14:00 1:22
Providence 5 17:00 17:05 830 18:18:00 2:26
Wickford Junction 71 17:35 18:46 834 20:28:00 4:36
621 Needham Heights South Station 15:55 Ruggles 16 16:03 16:19 722 16:31:00 0:36
West Roxbury 8 16:18 16:26 622 16:50:00 0:55
Needham Heights 29 16:38 17:07 624 17:55:00 2:00
327 Lowell North Station 15:55 Anderson/Woburn 8 16:18 16:26 328 16:52:00 0:57
Lowell 24 16:43 17:07 330 17:52:00 1:57
881 Stoughton South Station 16:00 Ruggles 11 16:08 16:19 722 16:31:00 0:31
Canton Junction 17 16:25 16:42 828 17:14:00 1:14
Stoughton 21 16:39 17:00 882 17:39:00 1:39
525 Worcester (Express to West Natick after Boston Landing) South Station 16:00 Back Bay 17 16:06 16:23 722 16:31:00 0:31
Boston Landing 28 16:16 16:44 526 17:07:00 1:07
West Natick 12 16:33 16:45 592 17:29:00 1:29
Southborough 7 16:49 16:56 528 17:50:00 1:50
Worcester 21 17:24 17:45 530 19:13:00 3:13
753 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 16:05 Ruggles 5 16:14 16:19 722 16:31:00 0:26
Readville 13 16:26 16:39 752 17:09:00 1:04
Hyde Park 58 16:22 17:20 882 17:39:00 1:34
Windsor Gardens 37 16:47 17:24 726 18:08:00 2:03
Foxboro 44 17:06 17:50 754 18:43:00 2:38
019 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 16:05 Quincy Center 19 16:20 16:39 088 16:59:00 0:54
Braintree 27 16:25 16:52 058 17:23:00 1:18
Campello 7 16:46 16:53 022 17:44:00 1:39
Middleborough/Lakeville 57 17:13 18:10 024 19:15:00 3:10
115 Rockport North Station 16:05 Lynn Interim 7 16:28 16:35 158 17:03:00 0:58
Beverly Farms 9 16:53 17:02 118 17:58:00 1:53
Rockport 22 17:25 17:47 120 19:06:00 3:01
593 Framingham South Station 16:10 Back Bay 7 16:16 16:23 722 16:31:00 0:21
Boston Landing 18 16:26 16:44 526 17:07:00 0:57
Wellesley Square 6 16:48 16:54 592 17:29:00 1:19
Framingham 5 17:05 17:10 528 17:50:00 1:40
West Natick 28 16:57 17:25 594 18:13:00 2:03
087 Greenbush South Station 16:15 Quincy Center 9 16:30 16:39 088 16:59:00 0:44
Greenbush 21 17:21 17:42 090 18:50:00 2:35
947 Readville via Fairmount South Station 16:17 Talbot Avenue 8 16:33 16:41 946 17:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 16:47 17:00 948 17:30:00 1:13
825 Providence South Station 16:20 Ruggles 6 16:28 16:34 880 16:44:00 0:24
Route 128 8 16:39 16:47 828 17:14:00 0:54
Canton Junction 25 16:45 17:10 882 17:39:00 1:19
Attleboro 17 17:07 17:24 830 18:18:00 1:58
Providence 41 17:31 18:12 832 19:25:00 3:05
497 Littleton/Route 495 North Station 16:25 Porter 12 16:35 16:47 422 17:03:00 0:38
West Concord 12 17:09 17:21 424 18:13:00 1:48
Littleton/Route 495 25 17:23 17:48 498 18:49:00 2:24
215 Bradford via Reading North Station 16:25 Melrose Highlands 5 16:45 16:50 216 17:15:00 0:50
Lawrence 14 17:25 17:39 218 18:42:00 2:17
Bradford 69 17:46 18:55 220 20:10:00 3:45
723 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 16:27 Back Bay 6 16:32 16:38 880 16:44:00 0:17
Ruggles 6 16:36 16:42 622 16:50:00 0:23
Readville 10 16:50 17:00 948 17:30:00 1:03
Hyde Park 34 16:46 17:20 882 17:39:00 1:12
Forest Hills 57 16:41 17:38 624 17:55:00 1:28
Walpole 6 17:15 17:21 726 18:08:00 1:41
Franklin 95 17:29 19:04 728 20:27:00 4:00
Forge Park/495 139 17:41 20:00 730 21:06:00 4:39
157 Newburyport North Station 16:30 Chelsea 5 16:41 16:46 158 17:03:00 0:33
Beverly 7 17:08 17:15 118 17:58:00 1:28
Hamilton/Wenham 12 17:17 17:29 160 18:22:00 1:52
Newburyport 76 17:41 18:57 162 20:06:00 3:36
329 Lowell North Station 16:30 North Billerica 8 17:07 17:15 330 17:52:00 1:22
Lowell 49 17:19 18:08 334 18:53:00 2:23
057 Kingston South Station 16:33 JFK/UMass 9 16:39 16:48 088 16:59:00 0:26
Quincy Center 11 16:48 16:59 058 17:23:00 0:50
Braintree 20 16:53 17:13 022 17:44:00 1:11
Kingston 46 17:36 18:22 060 19:34:00 3:01
527 Worcester (Express to West Natick after Boston Landing) South Station 16:45 Back Bay 10 16:51 17:01 526 17:07:00 0:22
Boston Landing 10 17:01 17:11 592 17:29:00 0:44
West Natick 7 17:18 17:25 594 18:13:00 1:28
Grafton 8 17:49 17:57 530 19:13:00 2:28
Worcester 23 18:12 18:35 532 20:03:00 3:18
949 Readville via Fairmount South Station 16:47 Talbot Avenue 8 17:03 17:11 948 17:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 17:17 17:30 950 18:00:00 1:13
827 Wickford Junction (Express to Sharon after Ruggles) South Station 16:52 Back Bay 11 16:57 17:08 828 17:14:00 0:22
Ruggles 28 17:01 17:29 882 17:39:00 0:47
Mansfield 9 17:25 17:34 830 18:18:00 1:26
Providence 20 17:52 18:12 832 19:25:00 2:33
Wickford Junction 13 18:33 18:46 834 20:28:00 3:36
623 Needham Heights South Station 16:55 Back Bay 8 17:00 17:08 828 17:14:00 0:19
Ruggles 26 17:03 17:29 882 17:39:00 0:44
West Roxbury 8 17:20 17:28 624 17:55:00 1:00
Needham Heights 24 17:41 18:05 626 18:50:00 1:55
595 Framingham South Station 16:55 Back Bay 7 17:01 17:08 828 17:14:00 0:19
Lansdowne 10 17:06 17:16 592 17:29:00 0:34
Boston Landing 16 17:11 17:27 528 17:50:00 0:55
Wellesley Hills 5 17:32 17:37 594 18:13:00 1:18
Framingham 30 17:55 18:25 530 19:13:00 2:18
021 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 16:55 JFK/UMass 9 17:01 17:10 058 17:23:00 0:28
Quincy Center 10 17:10 17:20 022 17:44:00 0:49
Middleborough/Lakeville 9 18:01 18:10 024 19:15:00 2:20
883 Stoughton South Station 17:00 Back Bay 18 17:05 17:23 592 17:29:00 0:29
Ruggles 21 17:08 17:29 882 17:39:00 0:39
Canton Junction 23 17:25 17:48 830 18:18:00 1:18
Stoughton 20 17:40 18:00 884 18:39:00 1:39
423 Wachusett (Express to South Acton after Porter) North Station 17:00 Porter 47 17:10 17:57 424 18:13:00 1:13
Littleton/Route 495 6 17:42 17:48 498 18:49:00 1:49
Fitchburg 13 18:12 18:25 426 19:55:00 2:55
Wachusett 65 18:25 19:30 428 21:08:00 4:08
725 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 17:05 Back Bay 13 17:10 17:23 592 17:29:00 0:24
Ruggles 15 17:14 17:29 882 17:39:00 0:34
Endicott 9 17:30 17:39 726 18:08:00 1:03
Hyde Park 58 17:22 18:20 884 18:39:00 1:34
Norwood Central 22 17:43 18:05 754 18:43:00 1:38
Windsor Gardens 74 17:47 19:01 756 19:43:00 2:38
Franklin 59 18:05 19:04 728 20:27:00 3:22
Forge Park/495 103 18:17 20:00 730 21:06:00 4:01
331 Lowell North Station 17:05 Winchester Center 11 17:21 17:32 330 17:52:00 0:47
Lowell 14 17:54 18:08 334 18:53:00 1:48
117 Rockport North Station 17:05 River Works 8 17:24 17:32 118 17:58:00 0:53
Salem 5 17:39 17:44 160 18:22:00 1:17
Manchester 7 17:59 18:06 120 19:06:00 2:01
Rockport 81 18:26 19:47 122 21:05:00 4:00
295 Reading North Station 17:05 Reading 25 17:40 18:05 218 18:42:00 1:37
089 Greenbush South Station 17:15 JFK/UMass 9 17:21 17:30 022 17:44:00 0:29
Nantasket Junction 10 17:54 18:04 090 18:50:00 1:35
Greenbush 80 18:21 19:41 092 20:43:00 3:28
951 Readville via Fairmount South Station 17:17 Talbot Avenue 8 17:33 17:41 950 18:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 17:47 18:00 952 18:30:00 1:13
529 Worcester (Express to West Natick after Boston Landing) South Station 17:30 Back Bay 8 17:36 17:44 528 17:50:00 0:20
Boston Landing 10 17:46 17:56 594 18:13:00 0:43
Framingham 17 18:08 18:25 530 19:13:00 1:43
Grafton 13 18:34 18:47 532 20:03:00 2:33
Worcester 58 18:57 19:55 534 21:30:00 4:00
425 Wachusett North Station 17:30 Belmont 6 17:45 17:51 424 18:13:00 0:43
Kendal Green 14 18:00 18:14 498 18:49:00 1:19
Ayer 8 18:37 18:45 426 19:55:00 2:25
Wachusett 16 19:14 19:30 428 21:08:00 3:38
755 Foxboro via Back Bay South Station 17:32 Back Bay 7 17:37 17:44 528 17:50:00 0:18
Ruggles 15 17:41 17:56 726 18:08:00 0:36
Readville 5 17:55 18:00 952 18:30:00 0:58
Hyde Park 29 17:51 18:20 884 18:39:00 1:07
Islington 6 18:05 18:11 754 18:43:00 1:11
Forest Hills 50 17:46 18:36 626 18:50:00 1:18
Foxboro 13 18:35 18:48 756 19:43:00 2:11
059 Kingston South Station 17:33 Quincy Center 42 17:48 18:30 090 18:50:00 1:17
Braintree 54 17:53 18:47 024 19:15:00 1:42
Halifax 17 18:20 18:37 060 19:34:00 2:01
Kingston 86 18:36 20:02 062 21:02:00 3:29
159 Newburyport North Station 17:35 Chelsea 19 17:46 18:05 160 18:22:00 0:47
Beverly 9 18:14 18:23 120 19:06:00 1:31
Newburyport 10 18:47 18:57 162 20:06:00 2:31
217 Bradford (Express to Ballardvale) North Station 17:35 Bradford 15 18:40 18:55 220 20:10:00 2:35
829 Wickford Junction South Station 17:37 Back Bay 7 17:42 17:49 624 17:55:00 0:18
Ruggles 10 17:46 17:56 726 18:08:00 0:31
Canton Junction 7 18:03 18:10 884 18:39:00 1:02
Mansfield 23 18:18 18:41 832 19:25:00 1:48
Providence 22 18:54 19:16 834 20:28:00 2:51
Wickford Junction 13 19:29 19:42 836 21:23:00 3:46
333 Lowell North Station 17:42 Wilmington 14 18:09 18:23 334 18:53:00 1:11
Lowell 14 18:31 18:45 336 19:30:00 1:48
597 Framingham South Station 17:45 Back Bay 9 17:51 18:00 726 18:08:00 0:23
Lansdowne 5 17:56 18:01 594 18:13:00 0:28
Natick Center 8 18:27 18:35 530 19:13:00 1:28
Framingham 19 18:41 19:00 598 19:53:00 2:08
953 Readville via Fairmount South Station 17:47 Talbot Avenue 8 18:03 18:11 952 18:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 18:17 18:30 954 19:00:00 1:13
727 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 17:48 Back Bay 7 17:53 18:00 726 18:08:00 0:20
Ruggles 11 17:57 18:08 830 18:18:00 0:30
Hyde Park 15 18:05 18:20 884 18:39:00 0:51
Readville 11 18:09 18:20 754 18:43:00 0:55
Windsor Gardens 31 18:30 19:01 756 19:43:00 1:55
Franklin 16 18:48 19:04 728 20:27:00 2:39
Forge Park/495 60 19:00 20:00 730 21:06:00 3:18
885 Stoughton South Station 17:52 Back Bay 10 17:57 18:07 594 18:13:00 0:21
Ruggles 8 18:00 18:08 830 18:18:00 0:26
Canton Junction 38 18:17 18:55 832 19:25:00 1:33
Stoughton 47 18:31 19:18 886 19:56:00 2:04
625 Needham Heights South Station 17:55 Back Bay 7 18:00 18:07 594 18:13:00 0:18
Ruggles 5 18:03 18:08 830 18:18:00 0:23
West Roxbury 8 18:18 18:26 626 18:50:00 0:55
Needham Heights 27 18:38 19:05 628 19:50:00 1:55
297 Reading North Station 17:55 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 18:12 18:18 218 18:42:00 0:47
Reading 18 18:30 18:48 298 19:25:00 1:30
023 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 17:55 Quincy Center 20 18:10 18:30 090 18:50:00 0:55
Montello 6 18:28 18:34 024 19:15:00 1:20
Middleborough/Lakeville 79 19:01 20:20 028 21:22:00 3:27
119 Rockport North Station 18:05 Lynn Interim 10 18:27 18:37 120 19:06:00 1:01
Beverly 42 18:43 19:25 162 20:06:00 2:01
Rockport 23 19:24 19:47 122 21:05:00 3:00
531 Worcester (Express to West Natick after Boston Landing) South Station 18:15 Back Bay 12 18:21 18:33 884 18:39:00 0:24
Boston Landing 24 18:31 18:55 530 19:13:00 0:58
Framingham 7 18:53 19:00 598 19:53:00 1:38
Ashland 6 18:59 19:05 532 20:03:00 1:48
Worcester 14 19:41 19:55 534 21:30:00 3:15
955 Readville via Fairmount South Station 18:17 Talbot Avenue 8 18:33 18:41 954 19:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 18:47 19:00 956 19:30:00 1:13
335 Lowell North Station 18:20 West Medford 8 18:31 18:39 334 18:53:00 0:33
Wilmington 13 18:47 19:00 336 19:30:00 1:10
Lowell 16 19:09 19:25 338 20:10:00 1:50
831 Providence South Station 18:22 Back Bay 6 18:27 18:33 884 18:39:00 0:17
Ruggles 12 18:30 18:42 626 18:50:00 0:28
Canton Junction 8 18:47 18:55 832 19:25:00 1:03
Attleboro 26 19:09 19:35 834 20:28:00 2:06
Providence 36 19:36 20:12 836 21:23:00 3:01
091 Greenbush South Station 18:23 JFK/UMass 10 18:29 18:39 090 18:50:00 0:27
Quincy Center 14 18:38 18:52 024 19:15:00 0:52
Greenbush 12 19:29 19:41 092 20:43:00 2:20
427 Wachusett North Station 18:30 Lincoln 8 19:05 19:13 426 19:55:00 1:25
Shirley 14 19:39 19:53 428 21:08:00 2:38
Wachusett 74 20:11 21:25 430 23:03:00 4:33
729 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 18:35 Back Bay 5 18:40 18:45 626 18:50:00 0:15
Ruggles 32 18:43 19:15 832 19:25:00 0:50
Islington 5 19:06 19:11 756 19:43:00 1:08
Forest Hills 48 18:48 19:36 628 19:50:00 1:15
Hyde Park 45 18:53 19:38 886 19:56:00 1:21
Walpole 6 19:21 19:27 728 20:27:00 1:52
Forge Park/495 13 19:47 20:00 730 21:06:00 2:31
533 Worcester South Station 18:40 Lansdowne 9 18:51 19:00 530 19:13:00 0:33
Wellesley Farms 9 19:11 19:20 598 19:53:00 1:13
Natick Center 5 19:20 19:25 532 20:03:00 1:23
Grafton 12 19:55 20:07 534 21:30:00 2:50
Worcester 38 20:17 20:55 536 22:30:00 3:50
219 Bradford via Reading North Station 18:40 Wyoming Hill 8 18:55 19:03 298 19:25:00 0:45
North Wilmington 7 19:19 19:26 220 20:10:00 1:30
Bradford 74 19:59 21:13 224 22:27:00 3:47
161 Newburyport North Station 18:40 Beverly 7 19:18 19:25 162 20:06:00 1:26
Newburyport 102 19:51 21:33 164 22:43:00 4:03
061 Kingston South Station 18:45 JFK/UMass 10 18:51 19:01 024 19:15:00 0:30
Quincy Center 10 19:00 19:10 060 19:34:00 0:49
Kingston 14 19:48 20:02 062 21:02:00 2:17
957 Fairmount South Station 18:47 Talbot Avenue 8 19:03 19:11 956 19:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 42 19:13 19:55 728 20:27:00 1:40
627 Needham Heights South Station 18:55 Back Bay 7 19:00 19:07 530 19:13:00 0:18
Ruggles 12 19:03 19:15 832 19:25:00 0:30
West Roxbury 8 19:18 19:26 628 19:50:00 0:55
Needham Heights 75 19:35 20:50 630 21:30:00 2:35
337 Lowell North Station 19:00 West Medford 5 19:11 19:16 336 19:30:00 0:30
Wilmington 14 19:26 19:40 338 20:10:00 1:10
Lowell 15 19:47 20:02 340 20:46:00 1:46
887 Stoughton South Station 19:05 Back Bay 9 19:10 19:19 832 19:25:00 0:20
Ruggles 18 19:13 19:31 756 19:43:00 0:38
Route 128 7 19:26 19:33 886 19:56:00 0:51
Stoughton 21 19:44 20:05 888 20:43:00 1:38
025 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 19:05 JFK/UMass 10 19:11 19:21 060 19:34:00 0:29
Quincy Center 63 19:20 20:23 092 20:43:00 1:38
Braintree 72 19:25 20:37 062 21:02:00 1:57
Middleborough/Lakeville 11 20:09 20:20 028 21:22:00 2:17
121 Rockport North Station 19:15 River Works 8 19:34 19:42 162 20:06:00 0:51
Beverly Farms 11 20:00 20:11 122 21:05:00 1:50
Rockport 18 20:37 20:55 124 22:13:00 2:58
757 Foxboro via Fairmount South Station 19:17 Readville 7 19:45 19:52 728 20:27:00 1:10
Windsor Gardens 21 20:03 20:24 730 21:06:00 1:49
Foxboro 35 20:24 20:59 758 22:02:00 2:45
833 Providence South Station 19:18 Ruggles 5 19:26 19:31 756 19:43:00 0:25
Readville 15 19:37 19:52 728 20:27:00 1:09
Route 128 21 19:41 20:02 834 20:28:00 1:10
Canton Junction 28 19:47 20:15 888 20:43:00 1:25
Attleboro 22 20:09 20:31 836 21:23:00 2:05
Providence 102 20:33 22:15 838 23:28:00 4:10
221 Bradford via Reading North Station 19:30 Oak Grove 7 19:43 19:50 220 20:10:00 0:40
Bradford 26 20:47 21:13 224 22:27:00 2:57
429 Wachusett North Station 19:30 Concord 10 20:10 20:20 428 21:08:00 1:38
Wachusett 14 21:11 21:25 430 23:03:00 3:33
535 Worcester South Station 19:40 Back Bay 5 19:46 19:51 886 19:56:00 0:16
Framingham 5 20:30 20:35 534 21:30:00 1:50
Grafton 12 20:55 21:07 536 22:30:00 2:50
Worcester 94 21:16 22:50 538 24:18:00 4:38
339 Lowell North Station 19:45 Wilmington 6 20:11 20:17 340 20:46:00 1:01
Lowell 18 20:32 20:50 342 21:34:00 1:49
959 Readville via Fairmount South Station 19:47 Four Corners/Geneva 6 20:00 20:06 728 20:27:00 0:40
Readville 23 20:17 20:40 960 21:10:00 1:23
629 Needham Heights South Station 19:55 Ruggles 16 20:03 20:19 834 20:28:00 0:33
Needham Heights 15 20:35 20:50 630 21:30:00 1:35
889 Stoughton South Station 20:00 Ruggles 11 20:08 20:19 834 20:28:00 0:28
Hyde Park 9 20:16 20:25 888 20:43:00 0:43
Canton Junction 28 20:27 20:55 836 21:23:00 1:23
Stoughton 80 20:38 21:58 892 22:38:00 2:38
163 Newburyport North Station 20:05 Lynn Interim 10 20:27 20:37 122 21:05:00 1:00
Beverly 50 20:41 21:31 124 22:13:00 2:08
Newburyport 20 21:13 21:33 164 22:43:00 2:38
731 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 20:10 Back Bay 8 20:15 20:23 834 20:28:00 0:18
Ruggles 16 20:18 20:34 888 20:43:00 0:33
Endicott 8 20:31 20:39 730 21:06:00 0:56
Readville 13 20:27 20:40 960 21:10:00 1:00
Windsor Gardens 28 20:44 21:12 758 22:02:00 1:52
Forge Park/495 13 21:15 21:28 732 22:42:00 2:32
063 Kingston South Station 20:15 JFK/UMass 11 20:21 20:32 092 20:43:00 0:28
Quincy Center 12 20:30 20:42 062 21:02:00 0:47
Braintree 22 20:35 20:57 028 21:22:00 1:07
961 Fairmount South Station 20:17 Blue Hill Avenue 8 20:38 20:46 960 21:10:00 0:53
Fairmount 50 20:43 21:33 758 22:02:00 1:45
027 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 20:35 JFK/UMass 10 20:41 20:51 062 21:02:00 0:27
Quincy Center 12 20:50 21:02 028 21:22:00 0:47
Middleborough/Lakeville 21 21:39 22:00 030 23:02:00 2:27
835 Providence South Station 20:35 Ruggles 11 20:43 20:54 730 21:06:00 0:31
Route 128 6 20:54 21:00 836 21:23:00 0:48
Canton Junction 68 21:00 22:08 892 22:38:00 2:03
Providence 30 21:45 22:15 838 23:28:00 2:53
341 Lowell North Station 20:45 Winchester Center 14 21:01 21:15 342 21:34:00 0:49
Lowell 18 21:32 21:50 344 22:34:00 1:49
963 Readville via Fairmount South Station 20:47 Readville 13 21:17 21:30 758 22:02:00 1:15
123 Rockport North Station 20:50 Beverly 5 21:26 21:31 124 22:13:00 1:23
Rockport 18 22:07 22:25 126 23:44:00 2:54
093 Greenbush South Station 20:55 JFK/UMass 10 21:01 21:11 028 21:22:00 0:27
Quincy Center 92 21:10 22:42 030 23:02:00 2:07
Greenbush 16 21:59 22:15 094 23:16:00 2:21
891 Stoughton South Station 21:00 Ruggles 6 21:08 21:14 836 21:23:00 0:23
Readville 12 21:18 21:30 758 22:02:00 1:02
Stoughton 19 21:39 21:58 892 22:38:00 1:38
537 Worcester South Station 21:00 Back Bay 12 21:06 21:18 836 21:23:00 0:23
Lansdowne 5 21:11 21:16 534 21:30:00 0:30
Natick Center 5 21:40 21:45 536 22:30:00 1:30
Worcester 14 22:36 22:50 538 24:18:00 3:18
431 Wachusett North Station 21:00 Littleton/Route 495 6 21:55 22:01 430 23:03:00 2:03
Wachusett 18 22:37 22:55 432 24:33:00 3:33
631 Needham Heights South Station 21:20 Back Bay 60 21:25 22:25 536 22:30:00 1:10
Ruggles 61 21:28 22:29 892 22:38:00 1:18
759 Foxboro via Fairmount South Station 21:32 Uphams Corner 5 21:42 21:47 758 22:02:00 0:30
Readville 10 22:00 22:10 732 22:42:00 1:10
Foxboro 13 22:36 22:49 760 23:52:00 2:20
837 Providence South Station 21:35 Back Bay 45 21:40 22:25 536 22:30:00 0:55
Canton Junction 5 22:03 22:08 892 22:38:00 1:03
Readville 17 21:53 22:10 732 22:42:00 1:07
Attleboro 9 22:25 22:34 838 23:28:00 1:53
Providence 34 22:51 23:25 840 24:43:00 3:08
223 Bradford via Reading North Station 21:40 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 21:57 22:03 224 22:27:00 0:47
165 Newburyport North Station 21:50 Chelsea 25 22:01 22:26 164 22:43:00 0:53
Beverly 35 22:26 23:01 126 23:44:00 1:54
065 Kingston South Station 21:55 Braintree 22 22:15 22:37 030 23:02:00 1:07
539 Worcester South Station 22:00 Lansdowne 5 22:11 22:16 536 22:30:00 0:30
Southborough 15 23:01 23:16 538 24:18:00 2:18
733 Forge Park/495 via Back Bay South Station 22:10 Back Bay 10 22:15 22:25 536 22:30:00 0:20
Ruggles 11 22:18 22:29 892 22:38:00 0:28
Windsor Gardens 18 22:44 23:02 760 23:52:00 1:42
029 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 22:15 Quincy Center 12 22:30 22:42 030 23:02:00 0:47
343 Lowell North Station 22:15 Lowell 13 23:02 23:15 346 23:59:00 1:44
965 Readville via Fairmount South Station 22:17 Readville 33 22:47 23:20 760 23:52:00 1:35
433 Wachusett North Station 22:30 Porter 7 22:40 22:47 430 23:03:00 0:33
Littleton/Route 495 6 23:25 23:31 432 24:33:00 2:03
839 Providence & Needham South Station 22:45 Hyde Park 5 23:03 23:08 838 23:28:00 0:43
Attleboro 8 23:36 23:44 840 24:43:00 1:58
125 Rockport North Station 22:50 River Works 10 23:08 23:18 126 23:44:00 0:54
893 Stoughton via Fairmount South Station 23:05 Talbot Avenue 10 23:21 23:31 760 23:52:00 0:47
Canton Junction 28 23:43 24:11 840 24:43:00 1:38
541 Worcester South Station 23:45 Lansdowne 8 23:56 24:04 538 24:18:00 0:33
435 Wachusett North Station 23:50 Belmont 6 24:05 24:11 432 24:33:00 0:43
841 Providence South Station 23:55 Back Bay 12 24:00 24:12 538 24:18:00 0:23
Readville 5 24:15 24:20 840 24:43:00 0:48

Produced by Turn Finder, © Jeff Kessler, All Rights Reserved. Use of this information is at your own risk! The producer neither represents nor warrants the accuracy of this content, neither at the time of generation nor subsequently. Do not rely on this information to plan a trip.