Turn Finder – MBTA Commuter Rail (Today)

Turns Generated 2025-02-08-032831 for service on 2025-02-08

Trip Headsign Departs at Turn Location Turn Time Turn Arrival Turn Departure Return On Return Time Journey Duration
1501 Worcester South Station 05:00 Back Bay 79 05:06 06:25 1800 06:30:00 1:30
West Natick 10 05:45 05:55 1500 06:45:00 1:45
Worcester 34 06:36 07:10 1502 08:45:00 3:45
1301 Lowell North Station 06:20 Lowell 15 07:07 07:22 1302 08:07:00 1:47
1101 Rockport North Station 06:30 Chelsea 19 06:41 07:00 1100 07:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 07:06 07:36 1152 08:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 07:46 08:00 1102 09:18:00 2:48
1003 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 06:32 Braintree 72 06:53 08:05 1042 08:30:00 1:58
Middleborough/Lakeville 10 07:35 07:45 1004 08:45:00 2:13
1801 Providence South Station 06:45 Readville 56 07:04 08:00 1912 08:30:00 1:45
Back Bay 110 06:50 08:40 1502 08:45:00 2:00
Ruggles 108 06:53 08:41 1602 08:50:00 2:05
Providence 17 07:58 08:15 1802 09:30:00 2:45
1701 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 06:47 Talbot Avenue 8 07:03 07:11 1908 07:30:00 0:43
Readville 45 07:15 08:00 1912 08:30:00 1:43
Forge Park/495 13 08:04 08:17 1702 09:32:00 2:45
1503 Worcester South Station 07:00 West Natick 10 07:45 07:55 1502 08:45:00 1:45
Worcester 34 08:36 09:10 1504 10:45:00 3:45
1201 Bradford via Reading North Station 07:00 Bradford 17 08:16 08:33 1202 09:46:00 2:46
1601 Needham Heights South Station 07:15 Back Bay 80 07:20 08:40 1502 08:45:00 1:30
Needham Heights 15 07:55 08:10 1602 08:50:00 1:35
1071 Greenbush South Station 07:20 Quincy Center 36 07:35 08:11 1042 08:30:00 1:10
Greenbush 50 08:17 09:07 1072 10:06:00 2:46
1153 Newburyport North Station 07:30 Chelsea 19 07:41 08:00 1152 08:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 08:06 08:36 1102 09:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 08:39 09:07 1154 10:17:00 2:47
1401 Wachusett North Station 07:45 South Acton 9 08:33 08:42 1402 09:38:00 1:53
Wachusett 63 09:22 10:25 1404 12:03:00 4:18
1803 Providence South Station 07:55 Back Bay 40 08:00 08:40 1502 08:45:00 0:50
Ruggles 38 08:03 08:41 1602 08:50:00 0:55
Mansfield 6 08:37 08:43 1802 09:30:00 1:35
Readville 46 08:14 09:00 1702 09:32:00 1:37
Providence 34 09:11 09:45 1804 11:00:00 3:05
1703 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 08:02 Uphams Corner 5 08:12 08:17 1912 08:30:00 0:28
Fairmount 7 08:26 08:33 1914 09:00:00 0:58
Islington 11 08:39 08:50 1702 09:32:00 1:30
Forge Park/495 26 09:21 09:47 1704 11:02:00 3:00
1043 Kingston South Station 08:20 JFK/UMass 9 08:27 08:36 1004 08:45:00 0:25
Quincy Center 72 08:35 09:47 1072 10:06:00 1:46
Braintree 71 08:41 09:52 1006 10:16:00 1:56
Kingston 11 09:19 09:30 1044 10:30:00 2:10
1303 Lowell North Station 08:20 Lowell 15 09:07 09:22 1304 10:07:00 1:47
1103 Rockport North Station 08:30 Chelsea 19 08:41 09:00 1102 09:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 09:06 09:36 1154 10:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 09:46 10:00 1104 11:18:00 2:48
1917 Readville via Fairmount South Station 08:47 Talbot Avenue 8 09:03 09:11 1702 09:32:00 0:45
Readville 13 09:17 09:30 1918 10:00:00 1:13
1505 Worcester South Station 09:00 Back Bay 19 09:06 09:25 1802 09:30:00 0:30
West Natick 10 09:45 09:55 1504 10:45:00 1:45
Worcester 34 10:36 11:10 1506 12:45:00 3:45
1203 Bradford via Reading North Station 09:00 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 09:17 09:23 1202 09:46:00 0:46
Bradford 32 10:16 10:48 1204 12:01:00 3:01
1005 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 09:05 Quincy Center 27 09:20 09:47 1072 10:06:00 1:01
Holbrook/Randolph 11 09:34 09:45 1006 10:16:00 1:11
Middleborough/Lakeville 37 10:08 10:45 1008 11:46:00 2:41
1603 Needham Heights South Station 09:13 Back Bay 7 09:18 09:25 1802 09:30:00 0:17
Needham Heights 17 09:53 10:10 1604 10:50:00 1:37
1073 Greenbush South Station 09:20 Quincy Center 12 09:35 09:47 1072 10:06:00 0:46
Greenbush 50 10:17 11:07 1074 12:06:00 2:46
1155 Newburyport North Station 09:30 Chelsea 19 09:41 10:00 1154 10:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 10:06 10:36 1104 11:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 10:39 11:07 1156 12:17:00 2:47
1921 Fairmount South Station 09:47 Talbot Avenue 8 10:03 10:11 1920 10:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 10:13 10:33 1704 11:02:00 1:15
1805 Providence South Station 10:15 Back Bay 20 10:20 10:40 1504 10:45:00 0:30
Ruggles 18 10:23 10:41 1604 10:50:00 0:35
Hyde Park 9 10:31 10:40 1804 11:00:00 0:45
Readville 86 10:34 12:00 1928 12:30:00 2:15
Providence 17 11:28 11:45 1806 13:00:00 2:45
1403 Wachusett North Station 10:15 West Concord 13 10:58 11:11 1404 12:03:00 1:48
Wachusett 33 11:52 12:25 1406 14:03:00 3:48
1705 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 10:17 Talbot Avenue 8 10:33 10:41 1704 11:02:00 0:45
Fairmount 22 10:41 11:03 1924 11:30:00 1:13
Readville 75 10:45 12:00 1928 12:30:00 2:13
Forge Park/495 13 11:34 11:47 1706 13:02:00 2:45
1045 Kingston South Station 10:20 Braintree 41 10:41 11:22 1008 11:46:00 1:26
Kingston 11 11:19 11:30 1046 12:30:00 2:10
1305 Lowell North Station 10:20 Lowell 15 11:07 11:22 1306 12:07:00 1:47
1105 Rockport North Station 10:30 Chelsea 19 10:41 11:00 1104 11:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 11:06 11:36 1156 12:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 11:46 12:00 1106 13:18:00 2:48
1007 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 10:35 Holbrook/Randolph 11 11:04 11:15 1008 11:46:00 1:11
Middleborough/Lakeville 37 11:38 12:15 1010 13:16:00 2:41
1507 Worcester South Station 11:00 West Natick 10 11:45 11:55 1506 12:45:00 1:45
Worcester 34 12:36 13:10 1508 14:45:00 3:45
1205 Bradford via Reading North Station 11:15 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 11:32 11:38 1204 12:01:00 0:46
Bradford 17 12:31 12:48 1206 14:01:00 2:46
1605 Needham Heights South Station 11:15 Back Bay 80 11:20 12:40 1506 12:45:00 1:30
Needham Heights 15 11:55 12:10 1606 12:50:00 1:35
1927 Readville via Fairmount South Station 11:17 Readville 13 11:47 12:00 1928 12:30:00 1:13
1075 Greenbush South Station 11:20 JFK/UMass 10 11:27 11:37 1008 11:46:00 0:26
Quincy Center 12 11:35 11:47 1074 12:06:00 0:46
Greenbush 45 12:17 13:02 1076 14:01:00 2:41
1157 Newburyport North Station 11:30 Chelsea 19 11:41 12:00 1156 12:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 12:06 12:36 1106 13:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 12:39 13:07 1158 14:17:00 2:47
1929 Fairmount South Station 11:47 Talbot Avenue 8 12:03 12:11 1928 12:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 12:13 12:33 1706 13:02:00 1:15
1009 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 12:05 JFK/UMass 7 12:12 12:19 1046 12:30:00 0:25
Holbrook/Randolph 11 12:34 12:45 1010 13:16:00 1:11
Middleborough/Lakeville 37 13:08 13:45 1012 14:46:00 2:41
1807 Providence South Station 12:15 Back Bay 20 12:20 12:40 1506 12:45:00 0:30
Ruggles 18 12:23 12:41 1606 12:50:00 0:35
Hyde Park 9 12:31 12:40 1806 13:00:00 0:45
Readville 56 12:34 13:30 1934 14:00:00 1:45
Providence 17 13:28 13:45 1808 15:00:00 2:45
1405 Wachusett North Station 12:15 West Concord 13 12:58 13:11 1406 14:03:00 1:48
Wachusett 33 13:52 14:25 1408 16:03:00 3:48
1707 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 12:17 Talbot Avenue 8 12:33 12:41 1706 13:02:00 0:45
Fairmount 22 12:41 13:03 1932 13:30:00 1:13
Readville 45 12:45 13:30 1934 14:00:00 1:43
Forge Park/495 13 13:34 13:47 1708 15:02:00 2:45
1047 Kingston South Station 12:20 Braintree 11 12:41 12:52 1010 13:16:00 0:56
Kingston 11 13:19 13:30 1048 14:30:00 2:10
1307 Lowell North Station 12:20 Lowell 15 13:07 13:22 1308 14:07:00 1:47
1107 Rockport North Station 12:30 Chelsea 19 12:41 13:00 1106 13:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 13:06 13:36 1158 14:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 13:46 14:00 1108 15:18:00 2:48
1933 Readville via Fairmount South Station 12:47 Talbot Avenue 8 13:03 13:11 1932 13:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 13:17 13:30 1934 14:00:00 1:13
1509 Worcester South Station 13:00 West Natick 10 13:45 13:55 1508 14:45:00 1:45
Worcester 34 14:36 15:10 1510 16:45:00 3:45
1207 Bradford via Reading North Station 13:15 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 13:32 13:38 1206 14:01:00 0:46
Bradford 17 14:31 14:48 1208 16:01:00 2:46
1077 Greenbush South Station 13:15 Quincy Center 12 13:30 13:42 1076 14:01:00 0:46
Greenbush 50 14:12 15:02 1078 16:01:00 2:46
1607 Needham Heights South Station 13:15 Back Bay 80 13:20 14:40 1508 14:45:00 1:30
Needham Heights 15 13:55 14:10 1608 14:50:00 1:35
1935 Readville via Fairmount South Station 13:17 Talbot Avenue 8 13:33 13:41 1934 14:00:00 0:43
Readville 13 13:47 14:00 1936 14:30:00 1:13
1159 Newburyport North Station 13:30 Chelsea 19 13:41 14:00 1158 14:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 14:06 14:36 1108 15:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 14:39 15:07 1160 16:17:00 2:47
1011 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 13:35 JFK/UMass 9 13:42 13:51 1076 14:01:00 0:26
Braintree 9 13:56 14:05 1048 14:30:00 0:55
Holbrook/Randolph 11 14:04 14:15 1012 14:46:00 1:11
Middleborough/Lakeville 35 14:40 15:15 1014 16:16:00 2:41
1937 Fairmount South Station 13:47 Talbot Avenue 8 14:03 14:11 1936 14:30:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 14:13 14:33 1708 15:02:00 1:15
1809 Providence South Station 14:15 Back Bay 20 14:20 14:40 1508 14:45:00 0:30
Ruggles 18 14:23 14:41 1608 14:50:00 0:35
Hyde Park 9 14:31 14:40 1808 15:00:00 0:45
Readville 56 14:34 15:30 1942 16:00:00 1:45
Providence 17 15:28 15:45 1810 17:00:00 2:45
1407 Wachusett North Station 14:15 West Concord 13 14:58 15:11 1408 16:03:00 1:48
Wachusett 33 15:52 16:25 1410 18:03:00 3:48
1709 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 14:17 Talbot Avenue 8 14:33 14:41 1708 15:02:00 0:45
Fairmount 22 14:41 15:03 1940 15:30:00 1:13
Readville 45 14:45 15:30 1942 16:00:00 1:43
Forge Park/495 13 15:34 15:47 1710 17:02:00 2:45
1049 Kingston South Station 14:20 JFK/UMass 10 14:27 14:37 1012 14:46:00 0:26
Quincy Center 67 14:35 15:42 1078 16:01:00 1:41
Braintree 71 14:41 15:52 1014 16:16:00 1:56
Kingston 11 15:19 15:30 1050 16:30:00 2:10
1309 Lowell North Station 14:20 Lowell 15 15:07 15:22 1310 16:07:00 1:47
1109 Rockport North Station 14:30 Chelsea 19 14:41 15:00 1108 15:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 15:06 15:36 1160 16:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 15:46 16:00 1110 17:18:00 2:48
1941 Readville via Fairmount South Station 14:47 Talbot Avenue 8 15:03 15:11 1940 15:30:00 0:43
Readville 13 15:17 15:30 1942 16:00:00 1:13
1511 Worcester South Station 15:00 West Natick 10 15:45 15:55 1510 16:45:00 1:45
Worcester 34 16:36 17:10 1512 18:45:00 3:45
1013 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 15:05 Quincy Center 22 15:20 15:42 1078 16:01:00 0:56
Holbrook/Randolph 11 15:34 15:45 1014 16:16:00 1:11
Middleborough/Lakeville 37 16:08 16:45 1016 17:46:00 2:41
1209 Bradford via Reading North Station 15:15 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 15:32 15:38 1208 16:01:00 0:46
Bradford 17 16:31 16:48 1210 18:01:00 2:46
1079 Greenbush South Station 15:15 Quincy Center 12 15:30 15:42 1078 16:01:00 0:46
Greenbush 55 16:12 17:07 1080 18:06:00 2:51
1609 Needham Heights South Station 15:15 Back Bay 80 15:20 16:40 1510 16:45:00 1:30
Needham Heights 15 15:55 16:10 1610 16:50:00 1:35
1943 Fairmount South Station 15:17 Talbot Avenue 8 15:33 15:41 1942 16:00:00 0:43
Fairmount 20 15:43 16:03 1944 16:30:00 1:13
1161 Newburyport North Station 15:30 Chelsea 19 15:41 16:00 1160 16:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 16:06 16:36 1110 17:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 16:39 17:07 1162 18:17:00 2:47
1811 Providence South Station 15:45 Back Bay 50 15:50 16:40 1510 16:45:00 1:00
Ruggles 48 15:53 16:41 1610 16:50:00 1:05
Canton Junction 13 16:14 16:27 1810 17:00:00 1:15
Readville 26 16:04 16:30 1710 17:02:00 1:17
Providence 54 17:01 17:55 1812 19:10:00 3:25
1711 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 15:47 Talbot Avenue 8 16:03 16:11 1944 16:30:00 0:43
Endicott 6 16:19 16:25 1710 17:02:00 1:15
Forge Park/495 53 17:04 17:57 1712 19:12:00 3:25
1409 Wachusett North Station 16:15 West Concord 13 16:58 17:11 1410 18:03:00 1:48
Wachusett 33 17:52 18:25 1412 20:03:00 3:48
1947 Fairmount South Station 16:17 Talbot Avenue 8 16:33 16:41 1710 17:02:00 0:45
Fairmount 20 16:43 17:03 1948 17:30:00 1:13
1051 Kingston South Station 16:20 Braintree 41 16:41 17:22 1016 17:46:00 1:26
Kingston 11 17:19 17:30 1052 18:30:00 2:10
1311 Lowell North Station 16:20 Lowell 15 17:07 17:22 1312 18:07:00 1:47
1111 Rockport North Station 16:30 Chelsea 19 16:41 17:00 1110 17:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 17:06 17:36 1162 18:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 17:46 18:00 1112 19:18:00 2:48
1015 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 16:35 Holbrook/Randolph 11 17:04 17:15 1016 17:46:00 1:11
Middleborough/Lakeville 102 17:38 19:20 1018 20:18:00 3:43
1949 Readville via Fairmount South Station 16:47 Talbot Avenue 8 17:03 17:11 1948 17:30:00 0:43
Readville 23 17:17 17:40 1950 18:10:00 1:23
1513 Worcester South Station 17:00 West Natick 10 17:45 17:55 1512 18:45:00 1:45
Worcester 19 18:36 18:55 1514 20:30:00 3:30
1611 Needham Heights South Station 17:13 Back Bay 82 17:18 18:40 1512 18:45:00 1:32
Needham Heights 17 17:53 18:10 1612 18:50:00 1:37
1211 Bradford via Reading North Station 17:15 Melrose/Cedar Park 6 17:32 17:38 1210 18:01:00 0:46
Bradford 17 18:31 18:48 1212 20:01:00 2:46
1951 Fairmount South Station 17:17 Blue Hill Avenue 8 17:38 17:46 1950 18:10:00 0:53
Fairmount 60 17:43 18:43 1712 19:12:00 1:55
1081 Greenbush South Station 17:20 JFK/UMass 10 17:27 17:37 1016 17:46:00 0:26
Quincy Center 12 17:35 17:47 1080 18:06:00 0:46
Greenbush 18 18:17 18:35 1082 19:33:00 2:13
1163 Newburyport North Station 17:30 Chelsea 19 17:41 18:00 1162 18:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 18:06 18:36 1112 19:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 18:39 19:07 1164 20:17:00 2:47
1813 Providence South Station 17:45 Back Bay 50 17:50 18:40 1512 18:45:00 1:00
Ruggles 48 17:53 18:41 1612 18:50:00 1:05
Sharon 13 18:19 18:32 1812 19:10:00 1:25
Readville 36 18:04 18:40 1712 19:12:00 1:27
Providence 57 18:58 19:55 1814 21:10:00 3:25
1713 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 17:47 Islington 6 18:24 18:30 1712 19:12:00 1:25
Forge Park/495 53 19:04 19:57 1714 21:12:00 3:25
1017 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 18:05 JFK/UMass 7 18:12 18:19 1052 18:30:00 0:25
Quincy Center 54 18:20 19:14 1082 19:33:00 1:28
Middleborough/Lakeville 12 19:08 19:20 1018 20:18:00 2:13
1411 Wachusett North Station 18:15 West Concord 13 18:58 19:11 1412 20:03:00 1:48
Wachusett 63 19:52 20:55 1414 22:33:00 4:18
1053 Kingston South Station 18:20 Quincy Center 39 18:35 19:14 1082 19:33:00 1:13
Braintree 74 18:41 19:55 1018 20:18:00 1:58
Kingston 11 19:19 19:30 1054 20:30:00 2:10
1313 Lowell North Station 18:20 Lowell 15 19:07 19:22 1314 20:07:00 1:47
1955 Fairmount South Station 18:25 Talbot Avenue 10 18:41 18:51 1712 19:12:00 0:47
Fairmount 52 18:51 19:43 1958 20:10:00 1:45
1113 Rockport North Station 18:30 Chelsea 19 18:41 19:00 1112 19:18:00 0:48
Beverly 30 19:06 19:36 1164 20:17:00 1:47
Rockport 14 19:46 20:00 1114 21:18:00 2:48
1515 Worcester South Station 18:45 Back Bay 14 18:51 19:05 1812 19:10:00 0:25
West Natick 10 19:30 19:40 1514 20:30:00 1:45
Worcester 49 20:21 21:10 1516 22:45:00 4:00
1957 Readville via Fairmount South Station 18:55 Readville 15 19:25 19:40 1958 20:10:00 1:15
1613 Needham Heights South Station 19:15 Back Bay 65 19:20 20:25 1514 20:30:00 1:15
Needham Heights 15 19:55 20:10 1614 20:50:00 1:35
1165 Newburyport North Station 19:30 Chelsea 19 19:41 20:00 1164 20:17:00 0:47
Beverly 30 20:06 20:36 1114 21:18:00 1:48
Newburyport 28 20:39 21:07 1166 22:17:00 2:47
1815 Providence South Station 19:55 Back Bay 25 20:00 20:25 1514 20:30:00 0:35
Ruggles 38 20:03 20:41 1614 20:50:00 0:55
Canton Junction 13 20:24 20:37 1814 21:10:00 1:15
Readville 26 20:14 20:40 1714 21:12:00 1:17
Providence 17 21:08 21:25 1816 22:40:00 2:45
1715 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 19:55 Endicott 8 20:27 20:35 1714 21:12:00 1:17
Forge Park/495 15 21:12 21:27 1716 22:42:00 2:47
1213 Bradford via Reading North Station 20:15 Bradford 17 21:31 21:48 1214 23:01:00 2:46
1083 Greenbush South Station 20:20 Greenbush 18 21:17 21:35 1084 22:33:00 2:13
1413 Wachusett North Station 20:40 South Acton 9 21:28 21:37 1414 22:33:00 1:53
1115 Rockport North Station 20:50 Beverly 10 21:26 21:36 1166 22:17:00 1:27
Rockport 24 22:06 22:30 1116 23:48:00 2:58
1019 Middleborough/Lakeville South Station 20:50 Quincy Center 69 21:05 22:14 1084 22:33:00 1:43
Middleborough/Lakeville 14 21:51 22:05 1020 23:03:00 2:13
1963 Readville via Fairmount South Station 20:55 Readville 15 21:25 21:40 1964 22:10:00 1:15
1055 Kingston South Station 21:00 Quincy Center 59 21:15 22:14 1084 22:33:00 1:33
Braintree 79 21:21 22:40 1020 23:03:00 2:03
1517 Worcester South Station 21:00 Back Bay 89 21:06 22:35 1816 22:40:00 1:40
West Natick 10 21:45 21:55 1516 22:45:00 1:45
Worcester 49 22:36 23:25 1518 25:00:00 4:00
1315 Lowell North Station 21:00 Lowell 13 21:47 22:00 1316 22:45:00 1:45
1817 Providence South Station 21:55 Hyde Park 9 22:11 22:20 1816 22:40:00 0:45
Providence 17 23:08 23:25 1818 24:40:00 2:45
1717 Forge Park/495 via Fairmount South Station 21:55 Talbot Avenue 10 22:11 22:21 1716 22:42:00 0:47
Readville 114 22:23 24:17 1818 24:40:00 2:45
1615 Needham Heights South Station 22:15 Ruggles 8 22:23 22:31 1816 22:40:00 0:25
1167 Newburyport North Station 22:20 Beverly 10 22:56 23:06 1116 23:48:00 1:28
1967 Readville via Fairmount South Station 22:55 Readville 52 23:25 24:17 1818 24:40:00 1:45
1519 Worcester South Station 23:15 Back Bay 74 23:21 24:35 1818 24:40:00 1:25
West Natick 10 24:00 24:10 1518 25:00:00 1:45
1819 Providence South Station 23:55 Hyde Park 9 24:11 24:20 1818 24:40:00 0:45

Produced by Turn Finder, © Jeff Kessler, All Rights Reserved. Use of this information is at your own risk! The producer neither represents nor warrants the accuracy of this content, neither at the time of generation nor subsequently. Do not rely on this information to plan a trip.