Turn Finder – Caltrain Mountain View (Today)

Turns Generated 2024-12-21-033153 for service on 2024-12-21

Trip Headsign Departs at Turn Location Turn Time Turn Arrival Turn Departure Return On Return Time Journey Duration
601 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 07:16 South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 08:00 08:10 602 08:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 08:15 08:25 604 09:24:00 2:08
603 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 07:46 San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 08:16 08:24 602 08:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 08:30 08:40 604 09:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 08:45 08:55 606 09:54:00 2:08
605 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 08:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 08:32 08:38 602 08:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 08:46 08:54 604 09:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 09:00 09:10 606 09:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 09:15 09:25 608 10:24:00 2:08
607 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 08:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 09:02 09:08 604 09:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 09:16 09:24 606 09:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 09:30 09:40 608 10:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 09:45 09:55 610 10:54:00 2:08
602 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 08:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 09:02 09:08 609 09:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 09:14 09:26 611 09:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 09:18 09:51 613 10:16:00 1:22
609 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 09:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 09:32 09:38 606 09:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 09:46 09:54 608 10:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 10:00 10:10 610 10:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 10:15 10:25 612 11:24:00 2:08
604 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 09:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 09:32 09:38 611 09:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 09:43 09:56 613 10:16:00 0:52
611 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 09:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 10:02 10:08 608 10:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 10:16 10:24 610 10:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 10:30 10:40 612 11:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 10:45 10:55 614 11:54:00 2:08
606 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 09:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 10:02 10:08 613 10:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 10:14 10:26 615 10:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 10:18 10:51 617 11:16:00 1:22
613 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 10:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 10:32 10:38 610 10:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 10:46 10:54 612 11:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 11:00 11:10 614 11:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 11:15 11:25 616 12:24:00 2:08
608 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 10:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 10:32 10:38 615 10:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 10:43 10:56 617 11:16:00 0:52
615 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 10:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 11:02 11:08 612 11:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 11:16 11:24 614 11:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 11:30 11:40 616 12:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 11:45 11:55 618 12:54:00 2:08
610 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 10:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 11:02 11:08 617 11:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 11:14 11:26 619 11:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 11:18 11:51 621 12:16:00 1:22
617 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 11:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 11:32 11:38 614 11:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 11:46 11:54 616 12:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 12:00 12:10 618 12:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 12:15 12:25 620 13:24:00 2:08
612 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 11:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 11:32 11:38 619 11:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 11:43 11:56 621 12:16:00 0:52
619 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 11:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 12:02 12:08 616 12:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 12:16 12:24 618 12:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 12:30 12:40 620 13:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 12:45 12:55 622 13:54:00 2:08
614 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 11:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 12:02 12:08 621 12:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 12:14 12:26 623 12:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 12:18 12:51 625 13:16:00 1:22
621 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 12:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 12:32 12:38 618 12:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 12:46 12:54 620 13:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 13:00 13:10 622 13:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 13:15 13:25 624 14:24:00 2:08
616 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 12:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 12:32 12:38 623 12:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 12:43 12:56 625 13:16:00 0:52
623 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 12:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 13:02 13:08 620 13:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 13:16 13:24 622 13:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 13:30 13:40 624 14:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 13:45 13:55 626 14:54:00 2:08
618 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 12:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 13:02 13:08 625 13:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 13:14 13:26 627 13:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 13:18 13:51 629 14:16:00 1:22
625 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 13:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 13:32 13:38 622 13:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 13:46 13:54 624 14:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 14:00 14:10 626 14:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 14:15 14:25 628 15:24:00 2:08
620 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 13:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 13:32 13:38 627 13:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 13:43 13:56 629 14:16:00 0:52
627 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 13:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 14:02 14:08 624 14:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 14:16 14:24 626 14:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 14:30 14:40 628 15:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 14:45 14:55 630 15:54:00 2:08
622 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 13:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 14:02 14:08 629 14:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 14:14 14:26 631 14:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 14:18 14:51 633 15:16:00 1:22
629 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 14:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 14:32 14:38 626 14:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 14:46 14:54 628 15:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 15:00 15:10 630 15:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 15:15 15:25 632 16:24:00 2:08
624 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 14:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 14:32 14:38 631 14:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 14:43 14:56 633 15:16:00 0:52
631 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 14:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 15:02 15:08 628 15:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 15:16 15:24 630 15:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 15:30 15:40 632 16:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 15:45 15:55 634 16:54:00 2:08
626 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 14:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 15:02 15:08 633 15:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 15:14 15:26 635 15:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 15:18 15:51 637 16:16:00 1:22
633 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 15:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 15:32 15:38 630 15:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 15:46 15:54 632 16:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 16:00 16:10 634 16:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 16:15 16:25 636 17:24:00 2:08
628 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 15:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 15:32 15:38 635 15:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 15:43 15:56 637 16:16:00 0:52
635 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 15:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 16:02 16:08 632 16:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 16:16 16:24 634 16:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 16:30 16:40 636 17:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 16:45 16:55 638 17:54:00 2:08
630 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 15:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 16:02 16:08 637 16:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 16:14 16:26 639 16:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 16:18 16:51 641 17:16:00 1:22
637 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 16:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 16:32 16:38 634 16:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 16:46 16:54 636 17:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 17:00 17:10 638 17:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 17:15 17:25 640 18:24:00 2:08
632 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 16:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 16:32 16:38 639 16:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 16:43 16:56 641 17:16:00 0:52
639 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 16:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 17:02 17:08 636 17:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 17:16 17:24 638 17:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 17:30 17:40 640 18:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 17:45 17:55 642 18:54:00 2:08
634 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 16:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 17:02 17:08 641 17:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 17:14 17:26 643 17:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 17:18 17:51 645 18:16:00 1:22
641 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 17:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 17:32 17:38 638 17:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 17:46 17:54 640 18:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 18:00 18:10 642 18:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 18:15 18:25 644 19:24:00 2:08
636 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 17:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 17:32 17:38 643 17:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 17:43 17:56 645 18:16:00 0:52
643 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 17:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 18:02 18:08 640 18:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 18:16 18:24 642 18:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 18:30 18:40 644 19:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 18:45 18:55 646 19:54:00 2:08
638 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 17:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 18:02 18:08 645 18:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 18:14 18:26 647 18:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 18:18 18:51 649 19:16:00 1:22
645 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 18:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 18:32 18:38 642 18:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 18:46 18:54 644 19:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 19:00 19:10 646 19:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 19:15 19:25 648 20:24:00 2:08
640 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 18:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 18:32 18:38 647 18:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 18:43 18:56 649 19:16:00 0:52
647 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 18:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 19:02 19:08 644 19:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 19:16 19:24 646 19:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 19:30 19:40 648 20:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 19:45 19:55 650 20:54:00 2:08
642 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 18:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 19:02 19:08 649 19:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 19:14 19:26 651 19:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 19:18 19:51 653 20:16:00 1:22
649 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 19:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 19:32 19:38 646 19:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 19:46 19:54 648 20:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 20:00 20:10 650 20:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 20:15 20:25 652 21:24:00 2:08
644 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 19:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 19:32 19:38 651 19:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 19:43 19:56 653 20:16:00 0:52
651 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 19:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 20:02 20:08 648 20:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 20:16 20:24 650 20:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 20:30 20:40 652 21:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 20:45 20:55 654 21:54:00 2:08
646 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 19:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 20:02 20:08 653 20:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 20:14 20:26 655 20:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 20:18 20:51 657 21:16:00 1:22
653 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 20:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 20:32 20:38 650 20:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 20:46 20:54 652 21:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 21:00 21:10 654 21:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 21:15 21:25 656 22:24:00 2:08
648 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 20:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 20:32 20:38 655 20:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 20:43 20:56 657 21:16:00 0:52
655 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 20:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 21:02 21:08 652 21:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 21:16 21:24 654 21:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 21:30 21:40 656 22:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 21:45 21:55 658 22:54:00 2:08
650 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 20:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 21:02 21:08 657 21:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 12 21:14 21:26 659 21:46:00 0:52
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 33 21:18 21:51 661 22:16:00 1:22
657 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 21:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 21:32 21:38 654 21:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 21:46 21:54 656 22:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 22:00 22:10 658 22:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 22:15 22:25 660 23:24:00 2:08
652 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 21:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 21:32 21:38 659 21:46:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 13 21:43 21:56 661 22:16:00 0:52
659 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 21:46 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 22:02 22:08 656 22:24:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 22:16 22:24 658 22:54:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 22:30 22:40 660 23:24:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 22:45 22:55 662 23:54:00 2:08
654 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 21:54 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 6 22:02 22:08 661 22:16:00 0:22
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 16 22:14 22:30 663 22:50:00 0:56
Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 67 22:18 23:25 665 23:50:00 1:56
661 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 22:16 Redwood City Caltrain Station Northbound 6 22:32 22:38 658 22:54:00 0:38
San Mateo Caltrain Station Northbound 8 22:46 22:54 660 23:24:00 1:08
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 23:00 23:10 662 23:54:00 1:38
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 10 23:15 23:25 664 24:24:00 2:08
656 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 22:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 10 22:32 22:42 663 22:50:00 0:26
San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station Southbound 47 22:43 23:30 665 23:50:00 1:26
663 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 22:50 Menlo Park Caltrain Station Northbound 11 23:01 23:12 660 23:24:00 0:34
Hayward Park Caltrain Station Northbound 9 23:17 23:26 662 23:54:00 1:04
South San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 6 23:34 23:40 664 24:24:00 1:34
San Francisco Caltrain Station Northbound 16 23:49 24:05 668 25:04:00 2:14
658 Tamien Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 22:54 Tamien Caltrain Station Southbound 7 23:18 23:25 665 23:50:00 0:56
660 San Jose Diridon Mountain View Caltrain Station Southbound 23:24 Lawrence Caltrain Station Southbound 10 23:32 23:42 665 23:50:00 0:26
665 San Francisco Mountain View Caltrain Station Northbound 23:50 Menlo Park Caltrain Station Northbound 11 24:01 24:12 664 24:24:00 0:34
Burlingame Caltrain Station Northbound 9 24:22 24:31 668 25:04:00 1:14

Produced by Turn Finder, © Jeff Kessler, All Rights Reserved. Use of this information is at your own risk! The producer neither represents nor warrants the accuracy of this content, neither at the time of generation nor subsequently. Do not rely on this information to plan a trip.