Turn Finder – Amtrak PHL (Today)

Turns Generated 2024-09-07-033058 for service on 2024-09-07

Trip Headsign Departs at Turn Location Turn Time Turn Arrival Turn Departure Return On Return Time Journey Duration
150 Boston Philadelphia 05:15 Trenton 73 05:43 06:56 89 07:27:00 2:12
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 20 06:40 07:00 661 08:25:00 3:10
Newark Liberty International Airport 133 06:14 08:27 153 09:30:00 4:15
Stamford Amtrak Station 37 07:48 08:25 143 11:18:00 6:03
New Haven 24 08:42 09:06 195 12:27:00 7:12
Mystic Amtrak 20 09:44 10:04 99 14:42:00 9:27
Kingston Amtrak Station 32 10:09 10:41 161 15:30:00 10:15
Route 128 Amtrak Station 19 11:00 11:19 2253 16:07:00 10:52
Providence 22 10:29 10:51 87 16:32:00 11:17
Boston 24 11:16 11:40 163 17:32:00 12:17
151 Roanoke Philadelphia 05:45 Wilmington 49 06:07 06:56 160 07:16:00 1:31
Baltimore Penn Station 7 06:56 07:03 162 08:17:00 2:32
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 45 07:12 07:57 54 09:17:00 3:32
Washington Union Station 17 07:43 08:00 2248 09:36:00 3:51
Alexandria 42 08:33 09:15 82 12:15:00 6:30
Charlottesville 38 10:40 11:18 156 16:32:00 10:47
Roanoke 187 13:16 16:23 66 24:06:00 18:21
611 Harrisburg Philadelphia 06:55 Parkesburg Amtrak 27 07:43 08:10 660 09:05:00 2:10
Middletown 8 08:32 08:40 662 10:16:00 3:21
Harrisburg 27 08:48 09:15 664 11:05:00 4:10
160 Boston Philadelphia 07:19 Trenton 11 07:46 07:57 661 08:25:00 1:06
Metropark Amtrak Station 11 08:09 08:20 101 09:14:00 1:55
Newark Liberty International Airport 6 08:21 08:27 153 09:30:00 2:11
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 15 08:45 09:00 2205 10:12:00 2:53
Newark 40 08:26 09:06 103 10:16:00 2:57
New Rochelle Amtrak Station 41 09:35 10:16 195 12:27:00 5:08
Stamford Amtrak Station 39 09:54 10:33 2251 13:09:00 5:50
Bridgeport Amtrak Station 17 10:23 10:40 147 14:16:00 6:57
New Haven 12 10:53 11:05 99 14:42:00 7:23
Kingston Amtrak Station 19 12:22 12:41 163 17:32:00 10:13
Providence 58 12:46 13:44 2255 18:12:00 10:53
Boston 5 13:35 13:40 135 19:33:00 12:14
89 Savannah Philadelphia 07:32 Wilmington 66 07:52 08:58 54 09:17:00 1:45
Baltimore Penn Station 26 08:40 09:06 152 10:20:00 2:48
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 17 08:54 09:11 2250 10:26:00 2:54
Washington Union Station 30 09:30 10:00 118 11:56:00 4:24
Alexandria 10 10:14 10:24 88 13:17:00 5:45
Petersburg Amtrak Station 20 12:51 13:11 80 19:00:00 11:28
Yemassee Amtrak 11 20:23 20:34 98 33:50:00 26:18
Savannah 245 21:25 25:30 92 41:35:00 34:03
162 Boston Philadelphia 08:20 Trenton 16 08:47 09:03 153 09:30:00 1:10
Metropark Amtrak Station 19 09:10 09:29 2205 10:12:00 1:52
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 18 09:45 10:03 2249 11:16:00 2:56
Newark 39 09:25 10:04 143 11:18:00 2:58
Stamford Amtrak Station 25 10:46 11:11 147 14:16:00 5:56
Bridgeport Amtrak Station 12 11:15 11:27 99 14:42:00 6:22
New Haven 21 11:45 12:06 161 15:30:00 7:10
New London 47 12:33 13:20 163 17:32:00 9:12
Providence 13 13:31 13:44 2255 18:12:00 9:52
Kingston Amtrak Station 89 13:10 14:39 135 19:33:00 11:13
Boston 48 14:22 15:10 165 21:36:00 13:16
661 Harrisburg Philadelphia 08:45 Downingtown Amtrak 13 09:22 09:35 662 10:16:00 1:31
Parkesburg Amtrak 34 09:34 10:08 664 11:05:00 2:20
Harrisburg 40 10:40 11:20 666 13:10:00 4:25
79 Charlotte Philadelphia 08:54 Wilmington 43 09:14 09:57 152 10:20:00 1:26
Baltimore Penn Station 43 10:02 10:45 118 11:56:00 3:02
Washington Union Station 14 10:46 11:00 2252 12:36:00 3:42
Alexandria 51 11:23 12:14 194 15:00:00 6:06
Richmond Staples Mill Road Amtrak Station 44 13:27 14:11 80 19:00:00 10:06
Petersburg Amtrak Station 19 14:11 14:30 158 20:02:00 11:08
Rocky Mount 647 15:42 26:29 98 33:50:00 24:56
Charlotte Amtrak Station 515 20:56 29:31 20 40:08:00 31:14
Cary 879 17:41 32:20 92 41:35:00 32:41
2203 Washington Philadelphia 09:15 Wilmington 24 09:33 09:57 152 10:20:00 1:05
Baltimore Penn Station 23 10:22 10:45 118 11:56:00 2:41
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 13 10:35 10:48 82 12:15:00 3:00
Washington Union Station 24 11:01 11:25 88 13:17:00 4:02
101 Washington Philadelphia 09:17 Wilmington 19 09:38 09:57 152 10:20:00 1:03
Baltimore Penn Station 16 10:29 10:45 118 11:56:00 2:39
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 6 10:42 10:48 82 12:15:00 2:58
Washington Union Station 12 11:13 11:25 88 13:17:00 4:00
54 St Albans Philadelphia 09:20 Trenton 16 09:48 10:04 663 10:34:00 1:14
Metropark Amtrak Station 14 10:09 10:23 143 11:18:00 1:58
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 7 10:45 10:52 43 12:15:00 2:55
Stamford Amtrak Station 36 12:19 12:55 161 15:30:00 6:10
Bridgeport Amtrak Station 7 12:49 12:56 87 16:32:00 7:12
New Haven 51 13:15 14:06 163 17:32:00 8:12
Windsor Locks 50 14:22 15:12 57 20:24:00 11:04
660 New York Philadelphia 09:23 Trenton 12 09:52 10:04 663 10:34:00 1:11
Newark 38 10:31 11:09 43 12:15:00 2:52
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 13 10:49 11:02 91 12:33:00 3:10
Newark Liberty International Airport 167 10:25 13:12 147 14:16:00 4:53
Princeton Junction Amtrak Station 660 10:00 21:00 165 21:36:00 12:13
153 Norfolk Philadelphia 09:33 Wilmington 14 09:53 10:07 2250 10:26:00 0:53
Baltimore Penn Station 17 10:47 11:04 82 12:15:00 2:42
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 21 11:00 11:21 2252 12:36:00 3:03
New Carrollton Amtrak Station 20 11:17 11:37 88 13:17:00 3:44
Washington Union Station 52 11:33 12:25 140 14:15:00 4:42
Alexandria 68 12:18 13:26 156 16:32:00 6:59
Fredericksburg Amtrak 114 13:13 15:07 80 19:00:00 9:27
Richmond Staples Mill Road Amtrak Station 57 14:16 15:13 158 20:02:00 10:29
Petersburg Amtrak Station 44 15:00 15:44 90 21:51:00 12:18
Woodbridge Amtrak 393 12:36 19:09 124 22:23:00 12:50
2248 Boston Philadelphia 09:39 Newark 34 10:35 11:09 43 12:15:00 2:36
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 6 10:56 11:02 91 12:33:00 2:54
Stamford Amtrak Station 61 11:54 12:55 161 15:30:00 5:51
New Haven 15 12:55 13:10 2253 16:07:00 6:28
Boston 15 15:01 15:16 165 21:36:00 11:57
Boston 78 15:07 16:25 167 22:35:00 12:56
2205 Washington Philadelphia 10:15 Wilmington 13 10:33 10:46 164 11:07:00 0:52
Baltimore Penn Station 14 11:20 11:34 2252 12:36:00 2:21
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 21 11:33 11:54 88 13:17:00 3:02
Washington Union Station 26 11:59 12:25 140 14:15:00 4:00
103 Washington Philadelphia 10:20 Wilmington 5 10:41 10:46 164 11:07:00 0:47
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 8 11:46 11:54 88 13:17:00 2:57
Washington Union Station 8 12:17 12:25 140 14:15:00 3:55
152 Boston Philadelphia 10:23 Trenton 52 10:52 11:44 43 12:15:00 1:52
Metropark Amtrak Station 19 11:20 11:39 195 12:27:00 2:04
Newark 37 11:37 12:14 2251 13:09:00 2:46
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 51 11:59 12:50 147 14:16:00 3:53
New Rochelle Amtrak Station 34 12:43 13:17 161 15:30:00 5:07
Stamford Amtrak Station 21 13:02 13:23 87 16:32:00 6:09
New Haven 5 14:01 14:06 163 17:32:00 7:09
New London 29 14:44 15:13 135 19:33:00 9:10
Providence 13 15:37 15:50 165 21:36:00 11:13
Boston 8 16:22 16:30 167 22:35:00 12:12
Boston 137 16:28 18:45 65 24:49:00 14:26
2250 Boston Philadelphia 10:29 Metropark Amtrak Station 26 11:13 11:39 195 12:27:00 1:58
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 12 11:48 12:00 2251 13:09:00 2:40
Stamford Amtrak Station 14 12:41 12:55 161 15:30:00 5:01
Providence 56 14:54 15:50 165 21:36:00 11:07
Boston 40 15:45 16:25 167 22:35:00 12:06
662 New York Philadelphia 10:30 Trenton 46 10:58 11:44 43 12:15:00 1:45
Newark 33 11:41 12:14 2251 13:09:00 2:39
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 49 12:01 12:50 147 14:16:00 3:46
155 Washington Philadelphia 10:40 Wilmington 32 11:01 11:33 118 11:56:00 1:16
Baltimore Penn Station 16 11:53 12:09 88 13:17:00 2:37
New Carrollton Amtrak Station 15 12:22 12:37 140 14:15:00 3:35
Washington Union Station 20 12:40 13:00 2254 14:36:00 3:56
663 Harrisburg Philadelphia 10:50 Parkesburg Amtrak 37 11:37 12:14 666 13:10:00 2:20
Harrisburg 21 12:44 13:05 42 14:59:00 4:09
Middletown 102 12:33 14:15 670 16:00:00 5:10
164 Boston Philadelphia 11:10 Trenton 6 11:38 11:44 43 12:15:00 1:05
Newark 40 12:27 13:07 147 14:16:00 3:06
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 18 12:47 13:05 665 14:26:00 3:16
Stamford Amtrak Station 9 13:46 13:55 2253 16:07:00 4:57
New Rochelle Amtrak Station 20 13:27 13:47 87 16:32:00 5:22
Bridgeport Amtrak Station 13 14:15 14:28 163 17:32:00 6:22
New Haven 26 14:44 15:10 2255 18:12:00 7:02
Westerly Amtrak Station 29 15:57 16:26 165 21:36:00 10:26
Providence 35 16:33 17:08 167 22:35:00 11:25
Boston 81 17:24 18:45 65 24:49:00 13:39
2249 Washington Philadelphia 11:18 Wilmington 18 11:37 11:55 82 12:15:00 0:57
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 13 12:39 12:52 140 14:15:00 2:57
Washington Union Station 54 13:06 14:00 2216 15:39:00 4:21
143 Washington Philadelphia 11:21 Wilmington 12 11:43 11:55 82 12:15:00 0:54
Baltimore Penn Station 30 12:38 13:08 140 14:15:00 2:54
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 30 12:51 13:21 2254 14:36:00 3:15
New Carrollton Amtrak Station 10 13:07 13:17 194 15:00:00 3:39
Washington Union Station 35 13:25 14:00 2216 15:39:00 4:18
664 New York Philadelphia 11:25 Trenton 7 11:53 12:00 91 12:33:00 1:08
Newark 37 12:30 13:07 147 14:16:00 2:51
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 16 12:49 13:05 665 14:26:00 3:01
118 New York Philadelphia 12:00 Metropark Amtrak Station 31 12:54 13:25 147 14:16:00 2:16
Newark 14 13:09 13:23 665 14:26:00 2:26
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 36 13:29 14:05 161 15:30:00 3:30
82 Boston Philadelphia 12:18 Metropark Amtrak Station 16 13:09 13:25 147 14:16:00 1:58
Newark 9 13:26 13:35 99 14:42:00 2:24
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 19 13:46 14:05 161 15:30:00 3:12
New Rochelle Amtrak Station 42 14:34 15:16 163 17:32:00 5:14
Stamford Amtrak Station 60 14:55 15:55 2255 18:12:00 5:54
New Haven 11 15:53 16:04 135 19:33:00 7:15
Old Saybrook Amtrak Station 40 16:26 17:06 165 21:36:00 9:18
Kingston Amtrak Station 12 17:18 17:30 167 22:35:00 10:17
Boston 13 18:32 18:45 65 24:49:00 12:31
195 Richmond Philadelphia 12:30 Wilmington 6 12:51 12:57 88 13:17:00 0:47
Baltimore Penn Station 10 13:41 13:51 194 15:00:00 2:30
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 27 13:54 14:21 2216 15:39:00 3:09
Washington Union Station 10 14:25 14:35 156 16:32:00 4:02
Alexandria 56 15:07 16:03 80 19:00:00 6:30
Fredericksburg Amtrak 13 16:01 16:14 158 20:02:00 7:32
Richmond Staples Mill Road Amtrak Station 36 16:58 17:34 124 22:23:00 9:53
2252 Boston Philadelphia 12:39 Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 14 13:51 14:05 161 15:30:00 2:51
Stamford Amtrak Station 9 14:46 14:55 163 17:32:00 4:53
New Haven 23 15:41 16:04 135 19:33:00 6:54
Boston 48 17:57 18:45 65 24:49:00 12:10
91 Miami Philadelphia 12:40 Wilmington 53 13:01 13:54 140 14:15:00 1:35
Baltimore Penn Station 41 13:53 14:34 2216 15:39:00 2:59
Washington Union Station 22 14:38 15:00 2218 16:35:00 3:55
Alexandria 42 15:21 16:03 80 19:00:00 6:20
Richmond Staples Mill Road Amtrak Station 21 17:13 17:34 124 22:23:00 9:43
Rocky Mount 423 19:26 26:29 98 33:50:00 21:10
Denmark Amtrak Station 9 26:44 26:53 92 41:35:00 28:55
43 Pittsburgh Philadelphia 12:42 Paoli Amtrak Station 79 13:10 14:29 42 14:59:00 2:17
Elizabethtown Amtrak Station 22 14:05 14:27 670 16:00:00 3:18
Harrisburg 159 14:26 17:05 672 18:49:00 6:07
2251 Washington Philadelphia 13:12 Wilmington 24 13:30 13:54 140 14:15:00 1:03
Baltimore Penn Station 15 14:19 14:34 2216 15:39:00 2:27
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 30 14:32 15:02 156 16:32:00 3:20
Washington Union Station 27 14:58 15:25 168 17:15:00 4:03
88 Boston Philadelphia 13:20 Trenton 11 13:47 13:58 665 14:26:00 1:06
Newark Liberty International Airport 5 14:22 14:27 161 15:30:00 2:10
Newark 10 14:27 14:37 19 15:48:00 2:28
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 14 14:47 15:01 2253 16:07:00 2:47
Stamford Amtrak Station 9 15:46 15:55 2255 18:12:00 4:52
Bridgeport Amtrak Station 11 16:15 16:26 135 19:33:00 6:13
New Haven 50 16:45 17:35 165 21:36:00 8:16
New London 35 17:34 18:09 167 22:35:00 9:15
Providence 55 18:30 19:25 65 24:49:00 11:29
666 New York Philadelphia 13:30 Trenton 65 13:58 15:03 161 15:30:00 2:00
Newark 37 14:38 15:15 2253 16:07:00 2:37
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 7 14:57 15:04 87 16:32:00 3:02
140 Springfield Philadelphia 14:18 Trenton 17 14:46 15:03 161 15:30:00 1:12
Newark Liberty International Airport 5 15:21 15:26 87 16:32:00 2:14
Newark 6 15:26 15:32 667 16:38:00 2:20
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 14 15:51 16:05 163 17:32:00 3:14
New Rochelle Amtrak Station 16 17:01 17:17 135 19:33:00 5:15
Stamford Amtrak Station 5 17:20 17:25 57 20:24:00 6:06
Bridgeport Amtrak Station 8 17:49 17:57 165 21:36:00 7:18
New Haven 51 18:15 19:06 167 22:35:00 8:17
147 Roanoke Philadelphia 14:20 Wilmington 39 14:40 15:19 2216 15:39:00 1:19
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 8 15:44 15:52 168 17:15:00 2:55
Washington Union Station 7 16:18 16:25 146 18:16:00 3:56
Alexandria 79 17:15 18:34 90 21:51:00 7:31
Culpeper Amtrak Station 80 18:33 19:53 66 24:06:00 9:46
Lynchburg 771 20:50 33:41 20 40:08:00 25:48
2254 Boston Philadelphia 14:39 Metropark Amtrak Station 20 15:21 15:41 87 16:32:00 1:53
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 12 15:53 16:05 163 17:32:00 2:53
Stamford Amtrak Station 7 16:48 16:55 135 19:33:00 4:54
New Haven 88 17:38 19:06 167 22:35:00 7:56
Providence 18 19:07 19:25 65 24:49:00 10:10
665 Harrisburg Philadelphia 14:45 Paoli Amtrak Station 23 15:10 15:33 670 16:00:00 1:15
Harrisburg 33 16:32 17:05 672 18:49:00 4:04
99 Newport News Philadelphia 14:46 Wilmington 13 15:06 15:19 2216 15:39:00 0:53
Baltimore Penn Station 12 15:56 16:08 168 17:15:00 2:29
New Carrollton Amtrak Station 13 16:24 16:37 146 18:16:00 3:30
Washington Union Station 90 16:40 18:10 158 20:02:00 5:16
Alexandria 69 17:25 18:34 90 21:51:00 7:05
Fredericksburg Amtrak 19 18:15 18:34 124 22:23:00 7:37
Richmond Staples Mill Road Amtrak Station 574 19:18 28:52 98 33:50:00 19:04
194 Boston Philadelphia 15:05 Trenton 34 15:30 16:04 87 16:32:00 1:27
Newark 9 16:13 16:22 163 17:32:00 2:27
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 24 16:36 17:00 2255 18:12:00 3:07
Stamford Amtrak Station 38 17:47 18:25 165 21:36:00 6:31
New Haven 22 18:44 19:06 167 22:35:00 7:30
New London 41 19:36 20:17 65 24:49:00 9:44
42 New York Philadelphia 15:25 Trenton 10 15:54 16:04 87 16:32:00 1:07
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 10 16:50 17:00 2255 18:12:00 2:47
161 Washington Philadelphia 15:33 Wilmington 15 15:53 16:08 156 16:32:00 0:59
Baltimore Penn Station 20 16:48 17:08 146 18:16:00 2:43
Washington Union Station 37 17:33 18:10 158 20:02:00 4:29
Aberdeen Amtrak Station 306 16:21 21:27 124 22:23:00 6:50
2216 New York Philadelphia 15:42 Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 6 16:54 17:00 2255 18:12:00 2:30
19 New Orleans Philadelphia 15:55 Wilmington 39 16:16 16:55 168 17:15:00 1:20
Washington Union Station 7 18:03 18:10 158 20:02:00 4:07
Alexandria 44 18:46 19:30 124 22:23:00 6:28
Manassas Amtrak Station 70 19:20 20:30 66 24:06:00 8:11
Gastonia Amtrak Station 42 27:22 28:04 20 40:08:00 24:13
2253 Washington Philadelphia 16:10 Wilmington 27 16:28 16:55 168 17:15:00 1:05
Washington Union Station 15 17:55 18:10 158 20:02:00 3:52
670 New York Philadelphia 16:10 Trenton 28 16:37 17:05 163 17:32:00 1:22
Newark 10 17:12 17:22 159 18:31:00 2:21
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 33 17:32 18:05 135 19:33:00 3:23
87 Norfolk Philadelphia 16:35 Wilmington 61 16:53 17:54 146 18:16:00 1:41
New Carrollton Amtrak Station 8 18:14 18:22 158 20:02:00 3:27
Washington Union Station 82 18:35 19:57 90 21:51:00 5:16
Alexandria 16 19:14 19:30 124 22:23:00 5:48
Petersburg Amtrak Station 357 21:56 27:53 98 33:50:00 17:15
156 New York Philadelphia 16:35 Metropark Amtrak Station 14 17:26 17:40 159 18:31:00 1:56
Newark 38 17:44 18:22 135 19:33:00 2:58
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 59 18:02 19:01 57 20:24:00 3:49
2218 New York Philadelphia 16:38 Metropark Amtrak Station 8 17:21 17:29 2255 18:12:00 1:34
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 11 17:54 18:05 135 19:33:00 2:55
97 Miami Philadelphia 16:55 Wilmington 37 17:17 17:54 146 18:16:00 1:21
Baltimore Penn Station 44 18:10 18:54 158 20:02:00 3:07
Washington Union Station 69 18:48 19:57 90 21:51:00 4:56
Alexandria 91 19:41 21:12 66 24:06:00 7:11
Rocky Mount 157 23:52 26:29 98 33:50:00 16:55
667 Harrisburg Philadelphia 16:55 Parkesburg Amtrak 14 17:44 17:58 672 18:49:00 1:54
Harrisburg 23 18:42 19:05 674 20:50:00 3:55
168 Boston Philadelphia 17:18 Trenton 17 17:46 18:03 159 18:31:00 1:13
Newark Liberty International Airport 6 18:21 18:27 135 19:33:00 2:15
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 15 18:46 19:01 57 20:24:00 3:06
New Rochelle Amtrak Station 41 19:35 20:16 167 22:35:00 5:17
New Haven 19 20:51 21:10 65 24:49:00 7:31
163 Washington Philadelphia 17:35 Baltimore Penn Station 6 18:48 18:54 158 20:02:00 2:27
Washington Union Station 20 19:37 19:57 90 21:51:00 4:16
2255 Washington Philadelphia 18:15 Wilmington 69 18:33 19:42 158 20:02:00 1:47
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 49 19:35 20:24 90 21:51:00 3:36
Washington Union Station 18 20:02 20:20 124 22:23:00 4:08
146 Springfield Philadelphia 18:19 Trenton 16 18:47 19:03 135 19:33:00 1:14
Metropark Amtrak Station 23 19:10 19:33 57 20:24:00 2:05
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 7 19:46 19:53 671 21:15:00 2:56
Stamford Amtrak Station 69 20:46 21:55 65 24:49:00 6:30
159 Washington Philadelphia 18:35 Wilmington 46 18:56 19:42 158 20:02:00 1:27
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 21 20:03 20:24 90 21:51:00 3:16
New Carrollton Amtrak Station 14 20:19 20:33 124 22:23:00 3:48
Washington Union Station 35 20:40 21:15 128 23:05:00 4:30
669 Harrisburg Philadelphia 18:55 Parkesburg Amtrak 14 19:44 19:58 674 20:50:00 1:55
672 New York Philadelphia 19:10 Trenton 20 19:37 19:57 57 20:24:00 1:14
Newark 6 20:12 20:18 165 21:36:00 2:26
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 31 20:34 21:05 167 22:35:00 3:25
135 Washington Philadelphia 19:37 Wilmington 93 19:56 21:29 90 21:51:00 2:14
Baltimore Penn Station 10 20:55 21:05 124 22:23:00 2:46
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 34 21:08 21:42 128 23:05:00 3:28
Washington Union Station 20 21:40 22:00 66 24:06:00 4:29
158 New York Philadelphia 20:05 Trenton 12 20:33 20:45 671 21:15:00 1:10
Princeton Junction Amtrak Station 17 20:43 21:00 165 21:36:00 1:31
Metropark Amtrak Station 34 21:06 21:40 167 22:35:00 2:30
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 98 21:45 23:23 65 24:49:00 4:44
57 Washington Philadelphia 20:28 Wilmington 40 20:49 21:29 90 21:51:00 1:23
Baltimore Penn Station 15 21:42 21:57 128 23:05:00 2:37
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 39 21:56 22:35 66 24:06:00 3:38
Washington Union Station 559 22:31 31:50 98 33:50:00 13:22
674 New York Philadelphia 21:10 Trenton 26 21:37 22:03 167 22:35:00 1:25
Ny Moynihan Train Hall At Penn Station 49 22:34 23:23 65 24:49:00 3:39
165 Washington Philadelphia 21:40 Wilmington 43 22:01 22:44 128 23:05:00 1:25
Washington Union Station 489 23:41 31:50 98 33:50:00 12:10
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 933 23:06 38:39 20 40:08:00 18:28
90 New York Philadelphia 21:55 Newark 39 23:03 23:42 65 24:49:00 2:54
124 New York Philadelphia 22:26 Newark 12 23:30 23:42 65 24:49:00 2:23
128 New York Philadelphia 23:08 Trenton 45 23:35 24:20 65 24:49:00 1:41
65 Newport News Philadelphia 28:20 Washington Union Station 81 30:29 31:50 98 33:50:00 5:30
Bwi Thurgood Marshall Airport Station 528 29:51 38:39 20 40:08:00 11:48
Richmond Staples Mill Road Amtrak Station 216 33:03 36:39 92 41:35:00 13:15

Produced by Turn Finder, © Jeff Kessler, All Rights Reserved. Use of this information is at your own risk! The producer neither represents nor warrants the accuracy of this content, neither at the time of generation nor subsequently. Do not rely on this information to plan a trip.